Phnom Penh Media

进一步富有成效的测试日:BMW Motorrad Motorsport 继续为在波尔蒂芒举行的 2024 年 WorldSBK 做准备

BMW Motorrad Motorsport WorldSBK 车队从西班牙出发,直奔葡萄牙。在波尔蒂芒,ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK 车队、Bonovo action BMW Racing Team 和 BMW Motorrad Motorsport Test Team 继续为 2024 年 FIM 超级摩托车世界锦标赛 (WorldSBK) 做准备。

波尔蒂芒。BMW Motorrad Motorsport WorldSBK 车队从西班牙出发,直奔葡萄牙。在波尔蒂芒,ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK 车队、Bonovo action BMW Racing Team 和 BMW Motorrad Motorsport Test Team 继续为 2024 年 FIM 超级摩托车世界锦标赛 (WorldSBK) 做准备。周一和周二,WorldSBK 工厂车手 Toprak Razgatlioglu(土耳其)、Michael van der Mark(荷兰)、Garrett Gerloff(美国)和 Scott Redding(英国),以及测试队的工厂车手 Sylvain Guintoli(法国)和 Bradley Smith(英国)完成了密集测试计划。在一贯良好的条件下,他们收集了进一步优化 BMW M 1000 RR 的重要信息。


BMW Motorrad Motorsport 拥有三支车队和六名车手,利用这两天的测试时间进行了全面评估。通过所有团队之间的密切数据交换,获得了对于 BMW M 1000 RR 持续开发的重要见解。此外,车队和车手还对摩托车的个人设置进行了微调,以便为即将到来的赛季做好充分准备。


波尔蒂芒多产的日子标志着欧洲土地上的最后一次冬季考验。下一站是三周后的澳大利亚菲利普岛。另一场为期两天的测试将于 2 月 19 日至 20 日举行,随后于 2 月 23 日至 25 日在同一地点举行赛季揭幕战。




宝马摩托车赛车运动总监马克·邦格斯 (Marc Bongers) 表示: “当然,获得第一名以及进入前十名的四名车手让我对开始新赛季充满信心。12 月份我们遇到了一些困难,即在恶劣的条件下进行测试,并且没有可比较的数据来衡量我们。我们带着良好的感觉来参加这些测试,但没有证据证明我们在漫长的冬天之后处于什么位置。在赫雷斯和波尔蒂芒,我们幸运地发现了良好且稳定的天气条件,幸运的是大部分围场都在这里,因为我们需要知道我们的立场。我们一直稳居前三名,拥有最快的骑手,这令人高兴。现在我们正在为澳大利亚收拾一切,这是一条非常不同的赛道,有新的路面,轮胎比我们在这些测试中使用的更硬。因此,这将是一个新的情况,但我们有很多积极的方面可以借鉴。同样重要的是,我们从赫雷斯带来的设置在这里立即发挥作用。还有一些事情需要改进,我们甚至看到了更多的潜力,但我很高兴看到结构是如何建立的,我很高兴看到整个团队如何合作,我对结果感到满意。这让我对这个赛季的看法非常积极。毫无疑问,这会很困难;去年我们已经看到了这个领域的竞争有多么激烈,但我们希望与最顶尖的竞争对手并肩作战。我相信我们会在那里。”


BMW Motorrad Motorsport 技术总监 Christian Gonschor  “这是有趣且忙碌的测试日。好消息是,我们实际上有 6 名车手同时在赛道上,总共操作了 12 辆 BMW M 1000 RR。这对我们的进一步发展非常有利。通过这种设置,我们能够收集大量数据和信息,现在可以取得非常快速的进展。我认为很明显我们正在取得进展。我们一直处于前三名或前四名,托普拉克在赫雷斯德拉弗龙特拉和波尔蒂芒从第一分钟到最后一分钟大部分时间都处于第一或第二名。很高兴看到我们的宝马赛车手总是在那里。令人惊奇的是,在两次测试中,我们都看到竞赛团队中产生但未立即测试的想法被传递给了测试团队。这种方法是最佳的,使我们能够有效地支持赛车队。除此之外,我们在 WorldSBK 车手尝试应用程序之前测试了应用程序并提供了反馈。我们与测试团队一起评估了各种底盘元件。布拉德利专注于基本主题,并不太追逐单圈时间,但这无论如何都不是测试团队的核心任务。西尔万为赛车队预先测试了很多东西。所有摩托车都使用新的 E40 燃料,从今年开始,WorldSBK 强制使用这种燃料。这也被证明是成功的,并且没有出现任何技术问题。总的来说,我们现在可以满怀信心地前往菲利普岛,因为过去几个月所有相关人员的共同努力正在取得成果。”


Shaun Muir,ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK 车队领队: “首先,我很高兴我的两位车手都在时间表的顶端。米奇做得非常出色;在过去的几年里,他已经从很多伤病中恢复过来。他前往澳大利亚的状态非常好。我们不能再期待更多了。托普拉克(Toprak)是在这些条件下刚刚接触摩托车的人,确实适应得很好。我们几乎完成了我们的测试计划;我们仍然有一些未完成的物品,我们将在这两天的测试中带到澳大利亚,但他真的很高兴,我们也很高兴。所有工作仍在进行中,就在今天,我们可以带着良好的感觉登上飞往澳大利亚的航班。”


迈克尔·加林斯基 (Michael Galinski),Bonovo action BMW Racing Team 车队经理: “车队现在与我们的新成员斯科特融为一体。整体来说我们其实还是比较满意的。当然,总是有改进的空间,但我们也有很多东西需要解决。这两天我们尽力了。尽管如此,我们已经找到了良好的节奏,现在可以收拾我们的摩托车和设备,因为一切都从这里直接运往澳大利亚。这两天的测试相当不错,现在我们期待着菲利普岛,在那里我们将进行另一次测试,然后立即进行第一场比赛。”


Garrett Gerloff(#31 BMW M 1000 RR,Bonovo action BMW Racing Team): “在葡萄牙的测试有点起伏。昨天我的挣扎比我愿意承认的要多,但我们终于在昨天的最后一次跑步中找到了一个设置,使今天成为一个非常美好的一天。尤其是在一天开始的时候,我感觉自己真的很强壮,而且我感觉自己的配速还算不错。我只是对这一天的结束感到沮丧。我发生了车祸,之后我们努力让两辆摩托车正常工作。这有点令人沮丧,但我知道我有一个团队在这上面,并希望在摩托车装上板条箱运往澳大利亚之前解决我们遇到的所有问题。这不是我想要结束测试的方式,但这些天我们仍然有积极的东西,所以这很好。”


Toprak Razgatlioglu(#54 BMW M 1000 RR,ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK 车队): “我不得不说,当我看到使用 SCX 轮胎的 1:39.2 成绩时,我也很惊讶。之前,我用SC0轮胎跑出了1:39.8的成绩,然后我对车队说,如果我感觉SCX轮胎的抓地力更强一点,我们就能取得非常好的单圈成绩。所以我们做到了。然后我想尝试一下 Q 轮胎,我们从 Bonovo 团队那里得到了一个,感谢他们。我们试图再创造一个好的单圈成绩,但摩托车的设置完全不同,我感觉摩托车只是在跳跃,因为抓地力太大。但总的来说我很高兴。经过这次测试,看起来我们的摩托车已准备就绪 99%。但同样,我们仍在学习,每天都在进步。不知道菲利普岛会怎么样。这两天我们在这里表现得非常强。此外,我们在赛车轮胎方面的步伐也非常强劲。但菲利普岛则完全不同。我们将会看到,在比赛或测试之前不可能说什么。但总的来说,这个气氛很好,我很高兴,这两天我们做得很好。”


Scott Redding(#45 BMW M 1000 RR,Bonovo action BMW Racing Team): “波尔蒂芒比赫雷斯困难得多。我们知道有可能出现这种情况,但有时在测试中进行这种情况也很好,因为您有时间工作。我们尝试了很多不同的事情,但没有什么是真正切中要害的。轮胎和赛道抓地力有点混乱,这让我们有点耗时。我们设法尝试了一些也很重要的测试项目。我们对菲利普岛第一轮的零件有了更明确的方向。两天后,我们终于取得了一点进展,很高兴知道您正在取得进展。去菲利普岛,这辆摩托车会给我们带来什么特点,这将会很有趣。在赫雷斯,一切都运行得非常容易,在这里似乎相当困难,所以看看摩托车的结果会很有趣。关于履带抓地力给我们带来的情况,我们在这两个方面都做了很多工作。我现在很期待去菲利普岛。我真的很享受在这里和团队一起测试的时光,玩得很开心,笑得很开心,工作也很努力。现在我已经等不及要去参加比赛了。”


Michael van der Mark(#60 BMW M 1000 RR,ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK 车队): “我对这一天的结束感到非常高兴。今天我们改变了摩托车的设置,我们有了一些想法,我们诚实地改变了整辆摩托车,从第一圈开始就感觉很好。一天结束时,我们尝试了一些新轮胎,用 SCX 跑了几圈,我感到很高兴。我对这辆摩托车感觉很好,所以我想我什至可以跑得更快一点。但我真的很高兴。我感觉自己越来越准备好参加比赛了。在这些完美的条件下跑了这么多圈,我再次获得了很多信心。我感觉比去年更快、更准备好了。我感觉老米奇又回来了。”

Further productive test days: BMW Motorrad Motorsport continues preparation for 2024 WorldSBK at Portimão.


From Spain, the BMW Motorrad Motorsport WorldSBK teams headed straight to Portugal. At Portimão, the ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team, Bonovo action BMW Racing Team and BMW Motorrad Motorsport Test Team continued their preparation for the 2024 FIM Superbike World Championship  (WorldSBK).

Portimão. From Spain, the BMW Motorrad Motorsport WorldSBK teams headed straight to Portugal. At Portimão, the ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team, Bonovo action BMW Racing Team and BMW Motorrad Motorsport Test Team continued their preparation for the 2024 FIM Superbike World Championship  (WorldSBK). On Monday and Tuesday, WorldSBK factory riders Toprak Razgatlioglu (TUR), Michael van der Mark (NED), Garrett Gerloff (USA) and Scott Redding (GBR), as well as the factory riders from the Test Team, Sylvain Guintoli (FRA), and Bradley Smith (GBR), completed an intensive testing programme. In consistently good conditions, they gathered crucial information for further optimisation of the BMW M 1000 RR.


With three teams and six riders, BMW Motorrad Motorsport used the two test days for comprehensive evaluations. Through close data exchange among all teams, important insights were gained for the continuous development of the BMW M 1000 RR. Additionally, the teams and riders fine-tuned the individual setups of their bikes to be as well-prepared as possible for the upcoming season.


The productive days at Portimão marked the last winter test on European soil. The next stop is Phillip Island in Australia in three weeks’ time. Another two-day test will take place on 19th and 20th February, followed by the season opener at the same location from 23rd to 25th February.


Quotes after the Portimão test.


Marc Bongers, BMW Motorrad Motorsport Director: “For sure, to come away with P1 in the list and four riders within the top ten makes me confident to start the season. We had some difficulties in December, namely testing in bad conditions and not having comparables to measure us against. We came to these tests with a good feeling but no proof where we were after the long winter. At Jerez and here at Portimão we luckily found good and stable weather conditions, luckily with most of the paddock being here because we need to know where we stand. We’ve been consistently in the top three with the fastest rider which is pleasing. Now we are packing everything up for Australia, a very different track with a new surface, with harder tyres than what we have used during these tests. So it will be a new situation but we have a lot of positives we can build on. It was also important to see that the setup we brought from Jerez worked immediately here. There are still things to improve, we even see some more potential but I am happy to see how the structure has been build up, I am happy to see how the entire team is working together and I am happy with the results. It makes me look very positively on the season. It will be hard, no doubt; we have seen last year how competitive the field is but we want to be with the competitors at the very top. I am confident that we will be there.”


Christian Gonschor, Technical Director BMW M otorrad Motorsport: “It was interesting and busy test days. The good thing was that we actually had six riders on the track simultaneously, operating up to a total of twelve BMW M 1000 RRs. This benefits us immensely for further development. With this setup, we were able to gather so much data and information that we can now make very rapid progress. I think it’s evident that we are making progress. We were consistently in the top three or top four, with Toprak mostly in first or second place from the first to the last minute in both Jerez de la Frontera and Portimão. It was nice to see our BMW racers always up there. It was also phenomenal to see during both tests that ideas generated in the race teams but not immediately tested were passed on to the test team. This approach is optimal, allowing us to support the race teams effectively. Among other things, we tested applications and provided feedback before the WorldSBK riders tried them. With the test team, we evaluated various chassis elements. Bradley focused intensively on basic topics and couldn’t chase lap times much, but that’s not the core task of a test team anyway. Sylvain pre-tested many things for the racing teams. All bikes were run with the new E40 fuel, which is mandatory in the WorldSBK starting this year. This also proved successful, and there were no technical problems. Overall, we can now travel to Phillip Island with confidence because the collaborative efforts of all involved of the past months are bearing fruit.”


Shaun Muir, Team Principal ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team: “First of all, I am delighted to have both of my riders in the top end of the time sheet. Mickey has done a fantastic job; he has come back from a lot of injuries in the last couple of years. He is in a really good shape going into Australia. We could not expect any more. Toprak, brand new to the bike in these conditions, really adapted well. We almost completed our test programme; we have still some outstanding items that we carry over to Australia for the two test days but he is really happy, we are happy. It’s still all work in progress and as it sits today, we can board our flights to Australia with a good feeling.”


Michael Galinski, Team Manager Bonovo action BMW Racing Team: “The team has now gelled very well with our new addition, Scott. We are actually quite satisfied overall. Of course, there’s always room for improvement, but we also had a lot to sort out. We did our best for two days. Nevertheless, we have found a good rhythm and can now pack up our bikes and equipment because everything is heading straight to Australia from here. The two test days were quite decent, and now we are looking ahead to Phillip Island, where we have another test and then the first race right away.”


Garrett Gerloff (#31 BMW M 1000 RR, Bonovo action BMW Racing Team): “The test here in Portugal has been a bit up and down. Yesterday I struggled more than I like to admit but we finally found a setting on the last run yesterday that set up today as a really good day. Especially in the beginning of the day I felt really strong and I felt like I had a decent pace. I’m just frustrated with the end of the day. I had a crash and after that we struggled getting both the bikes to work like they should. That’s frustrating a little bit but I know that I have a team that’s on top of it and looking to solve all the problems that we have before the bikes go on the crates to Australia. That’s not the way I wanted to end the test but we still have positive stuff from these days, so that’s good.”


Toprak Razgatlioglu (#54 BMW M 1000 RR, ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team): “I have to say that I was also surprised when I saw the 1:39.2 with the SCX tyre. Before, I did a 1:39.8 with the SC0 tyre and then I said to the team, if I am feeling a little more grip with the SCX tyre, we will make a very good lap time. So we did. Then I wanted to try the Q tyre and we got one from the Bonovo team, thanks to them. We tried to do another good lap time with that but the bike setup is completely different and I had the feeling that the bike was just jumping because there was too much grip. But in general I am very happy. After this test, it looks like we are 99 percent ready with the bike. But again, we are still learning, getting better every day. I don’t know how it will be in Phillip Island. We were very strong here on these two days. Also our pace on race tyres is really strong. But Phillip Island is completely different. We will see there, it is impossible to say anything before the race or the test. But in general, this atmosphere is very good, I am very happy and we did a very good job on these two days.”


Scott Redding (#45 BMW M 1000 RR, Bonovo action BMW Racing Team): “Portimão was a lot more difficult than Jerez. We knew that there was a possibility that this could be the case but it is also good sometimes to have this in testing because you have the time to work. We tried a lot of different things and nothing was really hitting the spot. It was a bit of confusion with the tyres and the track grip so that made it a bit time consuming for us. We managed to try some test items which was also important to do. We have a bit more a clear direction with the parts for round one at Phillip Island. After two days we finally made a little bit of progress and it was good to finish knowing you’re making steps. Going to Phillip Island it will be interesting what characteristics the bike will give us. In Jerez everything was running pretty easy, here it seemed quite difficult, so it will be interesting to see what is the outcome of the bike. Regarding the situation of what the track grip gives us we’ve done a lot of work in both areas. I’m looking forward to going to Phillip Island now. I’ve really enjoyed my time here testing with the team, having a lot of fun, laughing a lot and working hard. Now I can’t wait to go racing.”


Michael van der Mark (#60 BMW M 1000 RR, ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team): “I was really happy with the end of the day. Today we changed the setup of the bike, we had some ideas and we changed honestly the whole bike and immediately from the first lap that felt good. At the end of the day we were trying some new tyres, doing some good laps with the SCX and I felt happy. I felt good with the bike so I think I even could have gone a little bit quicker. But I am really happy. I am feeling more and more ready to race. Also doing so many laps in these perfect conditions I gained a lot of confidence again. I feel faster and more ready than last year. I feel that the old Mickey is coming back.”


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