Phnom Penh Media

劳斯莱斯推出库里南系列 II:世界卓越超豪华 SUV 的大胆革新

库里南 (Cullinan) 与大胆、不妥协的一代超豪华消费者合作,为劳斯莱斯汽车打造了新的传奇。库里南系列 II 不断发展并建立在这款汽车在品牌中的地位之上,再次证明该品牌的未来将与客户合作塑造,并以精致的当代工艺为特色。


  • 劳斯莱斯推出库里南系列 II:世界卓越超豪华 SUV 的大胆进化
  • 集成先进的数字界面、SPIRIT 和私人会员应用程序 Whispers
  • 新的钟柜玻璃柜将欢庆女神雕像融入库里南的内饰
  • 室内调色板包括新的植物材料和现代工艺技术
  • Duality Twill 座椅包含 220 万针和长达 11 英里的线
  • 新的穿孔座椅图案的灵感源自劳斯莱斯总部上空的云彩,包含多达 107,000 个单独的穿孔
  • 库里南系列 II 直接响应不断变化的奢华规范和客户用例
  • 库里南仍然是劳斯莱斯品牌产品组合中最受欢迎的车型
  • Black Badge Cullinan Series II现已上市,专为那些寻求更本能诠释劳斯莱斯的人士量身定制

“2018 年,库里南重新定义了超豪华汽车,使劳斯莱斯客户能够体验该品牌标志性的魔毯之旅,无论地形如何,在世界每个角落。此后的六年里,库里南为劳斯莱斯吸引了全新的客户群,并深刻改变了人们对劳斯莱斯汽车及其对车主意味着什么的看法。库里南系列 II 的诞生就是为了延续这一成功。通过整合新技术、新材料、经过深思熟虑的设计更新以及通过定制实现自我表达的创新机会,我们保留了客户对这款汽车的喜爱的一切,确保其持续的吸引力。”
克里斯·布朗里奇 (Chris Brownridge),劳斯莱斯汽车公司首席执行官

“自推出第一辆古德伍德制造的劳斯莱斯以来,设计师们一直非常谨慎地为每一款车型赋予其独特的美学世界。每一项都是基于在汽车构思之前及其整个生命周期中直接从我们的客户那里收集的详细见解。库里南系列 II 就是在这种理念下诞生的:更有活力、更专注、更具表现力,符合当今超豪华消费者的优先考虑。库里南系列 II 在其新面貌中依然毫不费力,无论在哪里 – 忠实于原则并保留了使这款汽车如此成功的品质。与此同时,它代表了真正的进步和发展,基于对奢华的不断发展的欣赏,为库里南的原始形式增添了个性和繁荣。”
Anders Warming,劳斯莱斯汽车设计总监

最初的库里南于 2018 年推出,是世界上第一款超豪华 SUV,满足了独特而严格的要求。从性能和工程的角度来看,它必须具有真正的越野能力,能够应对地球上最苛刻和最恶劣的环境。与此同时,无论地形如何,它都必须提供该品牌无与伦比的舒适性和标志性的“魔毯之旅”。它必须是真正的超豪华 SUV——坚固而又精致,势不可挡而又宁静:轻松,无处不在。它的成功超出了劳斯莱斯在全球最雄心勃勃的期望,如今库里南是该品牌产品组合中最受欢迎的劳斯莱斯。

鉴于该汽车取得的非凡成功以及来自世界各地客户的极其积极的欢迎,我们精心打造了“SUV 中的劳斯莱斯”的新形象。该品牌的设计师、工程师和工匠借鉴了五年来详细的客户反馈、品牌自己的情报收集(包括我们在世界各地的私人办公室)以及大量新技术来推进库里南的发展。它的新外观代表了劳斯莱斯历史上最广泛的 II 系列开发,它响应了不断变化的奢华规范和不断变化的使用模式,同时保持了支撑库里南空前受欢迎的基本品质。掌控城市空间自第一批客户交付以来,库里南就实现了其作为一款性能卓越的越野汽车的目标,能够将车主带到劳斯莱斯以前从未探索过的地方。然而,该车型的多功能性和随处轻松的本质也使库里南成为许多车主的“日常驾驶者”;事实上,众多客户告诉劳斯莱斯,没有任何其他 SUV 能够像库里南 (Cullinan) 的 6.75 升 V12 发动机一样轻松提供性能,而该发动机的系列往往丰富且多样化。这些都是构思库里南系列 II 时需要考虑的重要因素。该品牌的情报专家指出,越来越多的劳斯莱斯客户集中在城市地区——从世界大都市到新兴地区快速增长的城市。为此,库里南越来越多地成为一种超豪华产品,客户希望在其中被看到并展现自己的性格——尽管能够随意消失在大自然中。专家还观察到车主自己驾驶汽车的趋势正在发生转变。当库里南刚推出时,只有不到 70% 是自驾车:如今,几乎每辆库里南都是由车主驾驶,只有不到 10% 的客户保留了司机的服务。随着品牌的复兴和不断增加的定制产品,库里南使劳斯莱斯客户的平均年龄从 2010 年的 56 岁下降到今天的 43 岁。库里南系列 II:外观 日益关注的城市焦点、年轻的客户群体以及向自动驾驶的决定性转变,影响了库里南系列 II 外观的表面处理和细节。一个关键主题是垂直度,这与库里南越来越熟悉的大城市中明亮的摩天大楼相呼应。这一点在新的车灯处理中表现得最为明显,高大的日间行车灯图形确保库里南系列 II 无论白天还是夜晚都易于识别。

库里南系列 II 的前部由简单的特征线条和清晰的边缘组成,强调干净、整体的表面,放大了汽车的宽敞比例和存在感。保险杠线条从日间行车灯的最低点到汽车的中心点形成一个浅“V”形,让人想起现代运动游艇锋利的船头线条。在下方,新的进气口明显向外倾斜,从正面观察时,在视觉上降低了汽车的高度。

中心装饰是发光的万神殿格栅。这是库里南首次配备发光格栅,前缘较低,进一步焕然一新。它还在日间行车灯之间采用了新的抛光水平“地平线”,为该品牌的巅峰产品幻影系列 II 提供了清晰的视觉联系。

从侧面看,库里南系列 II 揭示了表面的进一步变化。虽然前翼保留了纯粹的垂直线条,但该品牌的设计师添加了一条内敛而精确的特征线,从尾灯向前延伸到后轮上浮动的“RR”中心盖的中心。这创造了一种微妙的锥度和运动印象,通过更新的下帷幔表面进一步放大,该表面在后部升起。它们以丰富的高光黑色呈现,反射下面的道路,在这些固定的形式上创造出一种运动感。

从后面看,库里南系列 II 的排气处理是对力量的大胆诠释——每个环绕件均采用镜面不锈钢制成,干净利落,视觉上与车身齐平。车尾的变化是在排气管之间安装了拉丝不锈钢保护板,该保护板在汽车下方流动。

加大尺寸的 23 英寸车轮解决了库里南造型更年轻、更具表现力的演变——这是该品牌首次为库里南提供 23 英寸车轮。每个车轮均由铝坯铣削而成,三维多面七辐设计可提供部分抛光或完全抛光的表面处理。

除了改进的外观造型外,劳斯莱斯色彩专家还开发了一种新的油漆饰面,用于展示库里南系列 II。 Emperador Truffle 的灵感源自纹理丰富的棕色大理石,是一种现代简约的纯灰棕色大理石;当与定制的“Crystal Over”饰面(一种注入玻璃颗粒的清漆)相结合时,它会发出微妙的微光,让人想起晨光下的新雪。

库里南系列 II:内饰

库里南系列 II 的整个内饰都添加了创新的装饰和细节,反映了许多客户对更大胆的自我表达形式的渴望。汽车几何形状最实质性的变化是仪表板上部的柱对柱玻璃面板仪表板,这是一种优雅且多功能的设计元素,体现了数字和物理工艺。

驾驶员前方的仪表板和仪表板中央的全新永久可视中央信息显示屏经过重新设计,为先进的 SPIRIT 操作系统提供了舞台。该数字接口首次在全电动 Spectre 上引入; Cullinan Series II 标志着 SPIRIT 首次应用于 V12 动力的劳斯莱斯汽车。它还为定制个性化从物理世界延伸到数字世界提供了机会——客户可以定制仪表盘的颜色,以补充汽车的内部调色板或外部装饰。

SPIRIT 还看到劳斯莱斯私人会员应用程序 Whispers 已集成到库里南中。客户可以将目的地直接发送到他们的汽车,远程查看库里南的位置并通过应用程序管理车辆锁定。

整个汽车的连接性都得到了改进,尤其是库里南系列 II 后部的连接性。客户可以将最多两个流媒体设备连接到后屏幕,后屏幕现在包含一个定制界面,用于流媒体汽车管理和按摩、加热和冷却等座椅功能。

安装互联网连接后,客户可以享受 Wi-Fi 热点连接和每个屏幕的独立流媒体。 Cullinan 首次将任何类型的蓝牙耳机与后座信息娱乐系统配对,或者客户可以享受该品牌卓越的 18 扬声器定制音频系统,该系统受益于最新一代 18 通道 1400 瓦放大器。 Cullinan Series II 保留了该品牌著名的扬声器架构,其中汽车铝制门槛部分内的空腔被用作低频扬声器的共鸣室,有效地将整个汽车转变为低音炮。

乘客正前方是一块发光仪表板,这是现代工艺的非凡体现,在《幽灵党》中首次出现在《古思特》中,现在首次出现在库里南家族中。在这种外观下,它具有发光的库里南字标和独特的城市景观图形,其灵感来自世界大城市夜间的摩天大楼。这是使用专门开发的技术创建的,在深色和钢化安全玻璃的背面激光蚀刻 7,000 个点,每个点的角度和尺寸都略有不同,以产生深度感。除了这种成衣设计外,客户还可以与该品牌的定制设计师合作创建自己的发光面板图案。


将欢庆女神融入汽车内饰是四年研发的成果,也是模拟和数字工匠之间独特合作的成果,创造出戏剧性且精心编排的光流。该序列首先是进入汽车后驾驶员显示屏的照明,然后是中央信息显示屏,然后是照明仪表板,光线向内扫向玻璃橱窗,照亮计时器。欢庆女神最初从下方被照亮,让人想起首次表演时的聚光灯,然后舞台灯光变成柔和的光芒。CULLINAN 系列 II:进化的材料调色板为了体现 Cullinan 随意融入自然的能力以及许多客户的愿望,室内采用了受植物启发的调色板。库里南系列 II 引入了灰色白蜡木,这是一种纹理丰富的天然开孔木材,带有精致的光泽。该树种的所有原木均经过单独挑选,随后对单板“叶子”进行手工染色,并添加微小金属颗粒进行提升,从而创造出独特的效果,这一过程历经四年多的开发。Cullinan Series II 还延续了劳斯莱斯对纺织品的探索,推出了一种由竹子制成的新型人造丝面料,名为 Duality Twill。这种材料的使用灵感来自于Le Jardin des Méditerranées中广阔的竹林


斜纹织物上绣有艺术“二元性”图案。该设计基于对品牌创始人两个相互连接的字母 R 首字母的抽象诠释,体现出明显的航海影响,让人想起帆船上交织的绳索——这是对法国里维埃拉的另一个微妙暗示。

这种复杂的刺绣纺织品是与一位纺织大师合作一年多开发出来的,这位纺织大师现已全职加入劳斯莱斯,负责监督这一复杂的过程,该过程在古德伍德的劳斯莱斯之家进行。完整的 Duality Twill 内饰可包含多达 220 万针、11 英里的线,是 20 小时施工的产物。为了确保图案的一致性,每件作品在使用专门开发的激光切割之前都经过单独制作,该激光密封材料的边缘并减轻单个螺纹的松动。基础斜纹织物有淡紫色、巧克力色和黑色三种颜色可供选择,客户可以从 51 种不同颜色的线中进行选择。

库里南系列 II 融合了品牌工匠开发的另一种新的当代工艺技术;放置穿孔是通过皮革上的微小穿孔来创作艺术品的做法。库里南系列 II 首次出现在系列车型上,设计师以古德伍德劳斯莱斯之家上空不断变化的形状和云影为灵感,创造了一种图案。它包含多达 107,000 个 0.8 毫米和 1.2 毫米的穿孔。一名工匠检查每个单独的穿孔,以确保绝对的一致性。

CULLINAN 系列 II:进一步的传承

Cullinan 为劳斯莱斯汽车打造了新的传承,是与大胆、不妥协的一代超豪华消费者合作塑造的。库里南系列 II 不断发展并建立在这款汽车在品牌中的地位之上,再次证明该品牌的未来将与客户合作塑造,并以精致的当代工艺为特色。



WLTP(综合)二氧化碳排放量:380-363克/公里;油耗:16.8-17.7 英里/加仑/16.8-16.0 升/100 公里。


Cullinan built a new legacy for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, shaped in collaboration with a bold and uncompromising generation of super-luxury consumers. Cullinan Series II evolves and builds on this motor car’s place in the brand, proving once more that the future of this marque will be shaped in partnership with its clients and characterised by exquisite contemporary crafts.


  • Rolls-Royce presents Cullinan Series II: a bold evolution of the world’s pre-eminent super-luxury SUV
  • Integrates advanced digital interface, SPIRIT, and private members app, Whispers
  • New Clock Cabinet vitrine incorporates Spirit of Ecstasy figurine into Cullinan’s interior
  • Interior palette includes new botanical materials and modern craft techniques
  • Duality Twill seating incorporates 2.2 million stitches and up to 11 miles of thread
  • New Placed Perforation seat pattern inspired by clouds over the Home of Rolls-Royce and comprises up to 107,000 individual perforations
  • Cullinan Series II directly responds to changing codes of luxury and client use cases
  • Cullinan remains the most requested Rolls-Royce within the marque’s product portfolio
  • Black Badge Cullinan Series II available at launch, tailored to those seeking a more visceral interpretation of Rolls-Royce

“In 2018, Cullinan reframed super-luxury motoring, enabling Rolls-Royce clients to experience the brand’s hallmark magic carpet ride regardless of the terrain and in every corner of the world. In the six years since, Cullinan has attracted entirely new groups of clients to Rolls-Royce and profoundly altered perceptions of what a Rolls-Royce motor car is, and what it can mean to its owner. Cullinan Series II has been created to build on that success. By integrating new technologies, new materials, meticulously considered design updates and innovative opportunities for self-expression through Bespoke, we retain everything our clients love about this motor car, ensuring its continued allure.”
Chris Brownridge, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

“Since the launch of the first Goodwood-built Rolls-Royce, designers have taken great care to give every model its own distinctive aesthetic universe. Each is based on detailed insights gathered directly from our clients before the motor car is conceived, and throughout its life. Cullinan Series II is born of this approach: more energetic, focussed and expressive, in line with the priorities of today’s super-luxury consumers. In its new guise, Cullinan Series II remains effortless, everywhere – faithful to the principles and retaining the qualities that have made this motor car so successful. At the same time, it represents genuine progress and development, based on an evolved appreciation of luxury that adds statement and flourish to Cullinan’s original form.”
Anders Warming, Director of Design, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

The original Cullinan, launched in 2018, was the world’s first super-luxury SUV, fulfilling a unique and exacting brief. From a performance and engineering standpoint, it had to have genuine off-road capabilities equal to the most demanding and hostile environments on Earth. At the same time, it had to deliver the marque’s peerless comfort and signature ‘magic carpet ride’, regardless of the terrain. It had to be nothing less than the definitive super-luxury SUV – rugged yet refined, unstoppable yet serene: effortless, everywhere. Its success exceeded Rolls-Royce’s most ambitious expectations around the world, and today Cullinan is the most requested Rolls-Royce in the marque’s portfolio.

Given the motor car’s extraordinary success, and incredibly positive reception from clients in every region of the world, shaping a new expression of the ‘Rolls-Royce of SUVs’ was undertaken with meticulous care. The marque’s designers, engineers and craftspeople drew on half a decade of detailed client feedback, the brand’s own intelligence gathering – including our Private Offices around the world – and a raft of new technologies to advance Cullinan. In its new guise, which represents the most extensive Series II development in Rolls-Royce history, it responds to changing codes of luxury and evolving usage patterns while remaining true to the essential qualities that underpin Cullinan’s unprecedented popularity.


Since the first client deliveries, Cullinan fulfilled its purpose as a supremely accomplished off-road motor car, capable of taking its owner into locations never previously explored in a Rolls-Royce. However, versatility and the effortless everywhere essence of the model also made Cullinan a ‘daily driver’ for many owners; indeed, numerous clients have told Rolls-Royce that no other SUV offers the same effortless performance as Cullinan’s 6.75-litre V12 engine, from what is often a substantial and diverse collection. These were all significant considerations in conceiving Cullinan Series II.

It was noted by the marque’s intelligence specialists that an increasing number of Rolls-Royce clients were concentrated in urban areas – from great world metropolises to fast-growth cities in emerging regions. To that end, Cullinan increasingly serves as a super-luxury product in which clients wish to be seen and project their character – albeit with the capacity to vanish into nature at will. Specialists also observed a shift towards owners driving their motor cars themselves. When Cullinan was first launched, less than 70% were self-driven: today, almost every Cullinan is driven by its owner, with less than 10% of clients retaining the services of a chauffeur. Together with the rejuvenation of the brand and the ever-increasing Bespoke offering, Cullinan contributed to a fall in the average age of Rolls-Royce clients from 56 in 2010 to just 43 today.


An increasingly urban focus, a youthful cadre of clients and a decisive shift towards self-driving informs the surface treatment and detail of Cullinan Series II’s exterior. A key theme is verticality, which echoes illuminated skyscrapers in the megacities where Cullinan is increasingly at home. This is most apparent in the new lamp treatment, where tall daytime running light graphics ensure Cullinan Series II is easily identified, day and night.

The front of Cullinan Series II is composed of simple feature lines and crisp edges, with an emphasis on clean, monolithic surfaces that amplify the motor car’s generous proportions and presence. The bumper lines form a shallow ‘V’ from the lowest point of the daytime running lights to the motor car’s centre point, recalling the sharp bow lines of modern sports yachts. Underneath, new air intakes angle outwards assertively, visually lowering the motor car when viewed head on.

The centrepiece is the illuminated pantheon grille. This is the first time that Cullinan has been provisioned with an illuminated grille, which has been further refreshed with a lower leading edge. It also incorporates a new polished horizontal ‘horizon line’ between the daytime running lights, providing a clear visual link to the marque’s pinnacle product, Phantom Series II.

In profile, Cullinan Series II reveals further changes to the surfacing. While the front wings retain their sheer, vertical lines, the marque’s designers added a restrained yet precise feature line leading from the taillight forwards to the centre of the floating ‘RR’ centre caps on the rear wheel. This creates a subtle taper and impression of movement, further amplified by the updated lower valance surfaces, which lift at the rear. They are presented in a rich high-gloss black, which reflects the road below, creating a sense of motion on these fixed forms.

Viewed from behind, the exhaust treatment of Cullinan Series II is a bold statement of power – each surround is presented in mirror-finish stainless steel, cleanly integrated and visually flush to the body. Changes at the rear conclude with a brushed stainless-steel protective plate running between the exhausts, which flows underneath the motor car.

Resolving this younger and more expressive evolution of Cullinan’s styling are upsized 23-inch wheels – the first time that 23-inch wheels have been made available by the marque for Cullinan. Each wheel is milled from a billet of aluminium, and the three-dimensional and faceted seven-spoke design is available in a part or fully polished finish.

In addition to the evolved exterior form, Rolls-Royce colour specialists developed a new paint finish in which to present Cullinan Series II. Inspired by a richly-veined brown marble, Emperador Truffle is a contemporary, minimalist solid grey-brown; when combined with the Bespoke ‘Crystal Over’ finish, a lacquer infused with glass particles, it gains a subtle shimmer reminiscent of fresh snow under morning light.


Reflecting many clients’ desires for bolder forms of self-expression, innovative decoration and detail have been added throughout the interior of Cullinan Series II. The most substantive change to the motor car’s geometry is the pillar-to-pillar glass-panel fascia in the upper portion of the dashboard – an elegant and versatile design element that stages both digital and physical craftsmanship.

The gauge cluster panel in front of the driver and new, permanently visible Central Information Display in the centre of the fascia are redesigned to form a stage for the advanced SPIRIT operating system. This digital interface was first introduced on the all-electric Spectre; Cullinan Series II marks the first application of SPIRIT in a V12-powered Rolls-Royce. It also presents opportunities for Bespoke personalisation to extend from the physical to the digital world – clients can tailor the colour of the instrument dials to complement the motor car’s interior palette or exterior finish.

SPIRIT also sees Whispers, the Rolls-Royce private members application, integrated into Cullinan. Clients are able to send destinations directly to their motor car, view Cullinan’s location remotely and manage vehicle locking through the app.

Connectivity has been refined throughout the motor car, especially for those in the rear of Cullinan Series II. Clients are able to connect up to two streaming devices to the rear screens, which now incorporate a Bespoke interface for streaming car management and seating functions such as massage, heating and cooling.

The installation of internet connectivity allows clients to enjoy a Wi-Fi hot spot connection and independent streaming for each screen. For the first time in Cullinan, Bluetooth headphones of any type can be paired with the rear seat infotainment system, or clients can enjoy the marque’s exceptional 18-speaker Bespoke Audio system, which benefits from the latest generation 18-channel 1400-watt amplifier. Cullinan Series II retains the brand’s celebrated speaker architecture wherein cavities within the motor car’s aluminium sill sections are used as resonance chambers for low frequency speakers, effectively transforming the entire motor car into a subwoofer.

Directly in front of the passenger is an Illuminated Fascia panel – a remarkable expression of modern craft that debuted with Ghost before appearing in Spectre and now, for the first time, is available within the Cullinan family. In this guise, it features an illuminated Cullinan wordmark and a unique Cityscape graphic inspired by the skyscrapers of the world’s megacities at night. This is created using a specially-developed technique whereby 7,000 dots are laser-etched onto the rear of the darkened and toughened security glass, each at minutely differing angles and dimensions to create the perception of depth. In addition to this prêt-à-porter design, clients are also able to create their own Illuminated Fascia motif in collaboration with the marque’s Bespoke designers.

Alongside the Central Information Display on the passenger side of the fascia is the new Spirit of Ecstasy Clock Cabinet. This unique inset vitrine displays both an analogue timepiece and an up-lit Spirit of Ecstasy figurine. The figurine is constructed from solid stainless steel and placed on her own stage with a matte black back panel and high gloss side panels to create a reflection effect.

Incorporating the Spirit of Ecstasy into the interior of the motor car was the product of four years of development, and a unique partnership between analogue and digital craftspeople to create a dramatic and meticulously orchestrated flow of light. This sequence begins with the illumination of the driver’s display upon entering the motor car, followed by the Central Information Display, then the Illuminated Fascia, where light sweeps inwards towards the vitrine, lighting the timepiece. The Spirit of Ecstasy is illuminated from below initially, reminiscent of a spotlight on a debut performance, before her stage lighting settles to a soft glow.


To acknowledge Cullinan’s ability – and the desire of many clients – to escape into nature at will, the interior is comprised of a palette inspired by botanicals. Cullinan Series II introduces Grey Stained Ash, a richly grained natural open-pore wood with a delicate shimmer. All of the logs of this species are individually selected, veneer ‘leaves’ are subsequently stained by hand and elevated with the addition of microscopic metallic particles, which creates the unique effect – a process that took more than four years of development.

Cullinan Series II also continues Rolls-Royce’s exploration of textiles with a new rayon fabric made from bamboo, named Duality Twill. The use of this material was inspired by the extensive bamboo grove in Le Jardin des Méditerranées on the Côte d’Azur, which neighbours Sir Henry Royce’s former winter home, Villa Mimosa. Members of the design team visited the gardens during a research excursion where they were inspired to develop a material made with the plant, which has grown in the grounds of the jardin for more than a century and would have been observed by Sir Henry Royce himself.

The twill textile is embroidered with an artistic ‘Duality’ graphic. Based on an abstract interpretation of the two interlinked letter R initials of the marque’s founders, the design reflects a clear nautical influence, reminiscent of the interweaving rope lines found on sailing yachts – another subtle allusion to the French Riviera.

This intricate embroidered textile was developed for more than a year in collaboration with a master weaver who has now joined Rolls-Royce full-time to oversee this complex process, which takes place at the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood. A full Duality Twill interior can incorporate up to 2.2 million stitches, 11 miles of thread and is the product of 20 hours of construction. To ensure uniformity in the pattern, each piece is individually crafted before being cut using a specially developed laser that seals the material’s edge and mitigates individual threads becoming loose. The base twill textile is available in three colours – Lilac, Chocolate and Black – and clients can select from 51 different colours of thread.

Cullinan Series II integrates another new contemporary craft technique developed by the marque’s artisans; Placed Perforation is the practice of creating artworks through tiny perforations in the leather. Available for the first time on a series model, for Cullinan Series II, designers have created a pattern inspired by the constantly changing shapes and shadows of the clouds over the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood. It comprises up to 107,000 0.8- and 1.2-millimetre perforations. A single craftsperson checks each individual perforation to ensure absolute uniformity.


Cullinan built a new legacy for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, shaped in collaboration with a bold and uncompromising generation of super-luxury consumers. Cullinan Series II evolves and builds on this motor car’s place in the brand, proving once more that the future of this marque will be shaped in partnership with its clients and characterised by exquisite contemporary crafts.



WLTP (combined) CO2 emission: 380-363 g/km; Fuel consumption: 16.8-17.7 mpg / 16.8-16.0 l/100km.


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