Phnom Penh Media

2024 年兰博基尼英国日预示着新款 PHEV 超级 SUV Urus SE 在英国的首次亮相

日期:2024 年 5 月 7 日 |圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞/伦敦


5 月 4 日星期六,车主和他们的汽车聚集在汉普郡,庆祝兰博基尼的生活

圣阿加塔·波隆尼/伦敦,2024 年 5 月 7 日 –今年在范堡罗国际展览会议中心举办的第二届兰博基尼英国日活动中,超过 200 名兰博基尼车主及其爱车受到了兰博基尼汽车公司董事会成员和管理层的欢迎。

这些汽车从英国各地的 11 家兰博基尼经销店出发,抵达汉普郡场地的“Bull Runs”。兰博基尼超级 SUV 的新型 PHEV 版本 Urus SE 在英国亮相,拉开了当天活动的序幕,兰博基尼首席销售和营销官 Federico Foschini 与首席技术官 Rouven Mohr 共同致辞;设计总监 Mitja Borkert;和售后服务总监 Alessandro Farmeschi。

“我们很高兴在英国推出 Urus SE,这是我们迈向混合动力的重要汽车,” Federico Foschini 说道。“它于上周在北京车展上进行了国际首次亮相,十多年前我们在那里展示了第一个 Urus 概念车。我们的兰博基尼超级 SUV 开创了一个新的细分市场,自 2018 年推出市场以来,已成为兰博基尼最畅销的车型:Urus S 和 Performante 版本在生产结束前已售罄,而 Urus SE 已获得一份特​​殊订单银行。英国是我们最重要的市场之一,目前位居世界第四,2023 年向客户交付的汽车数量再次创下了 800 多辆的纪录:今天来到这里的兰博基尼车主证明了该品牌的实力和对我们品牌的热情。 ”

英国兰博基尼日向车主、贵宾和媒体展示兰博基尼及其总部活动的各个方面,供车主、贵宾和媒体在一天内探索。兰博基尼 Centro Stile 团队的设计研讨会展示了汽车概念背后的创意和技术流程,而 Ad Personam 工作室则允许客户尝试多种选择,以几乎无限的颜色和装饰选择来个性化全新兰博基尼。

展出的 Ad Personam Lamborghini Revuelto 是专门为英国兰博基尼日打造的,展示了个性化的无限可能性。外观采用红色 Rosso Bia 和黑色 Nero Granatus 双色的对角褪色效果,为 Revuelto 在道路上营造出非凡而动感的外观。汽车下部的外部碳饰件与闪亮的碳车顶、哑光黑色排气管和黑色 CCB 卡钳相得益彰。内饰采用 Nero Ade 皮革和对比鲜明的 Rosso Alala 倒缝线,搭配哑光黑色碳饰边,头枕上饰有兰博基尼标志的红色刺绣,后壁上饰有 Revuelto 图案。

虚拟现实区域中的另一辆兰博基尼 Revuelto 让来宾能够看到汽车混合动力技术的“内部”,为 2023 年推出的首款 V12 高性能电动汽车 (HPEV) 的独特动力总成架构提供体验式见解,其全新吸气式发动机发动机与三台电动机相结合,总共可提供 1015 CV。

负责修复、档案、认证和原装备件的兰博基尼 Polo Storico 部门推出了一辆 Diablo SV,并为庆祝今年 Countach 的 50 周年,推出了首款 LP 400 量产车型的示例。这款标志性汽车还包括 LP 500 S 和 Countach LPI 800-4:这是这十年间生产的 112 辆限量版混合动力超级跑车之一,旨在庆祝标志性兰博基尼 Countach 在日内瓦车展上推出 50 多年的概念前。

兰博基尼准备在今年晚些时候迎接其继任者兰博基尼 Huracán,同时展示了其 V10 吸气式车型,以庆祝 Huracán 及其前身 Gallardo。加入其中的是 2010 年巴黎车展上展示的轻量级 V10 Sesto Elemento 概念车,其采用碳纤维制成的底盘,重量不到 1000 公斤,0-100 公里/小时(0-62 英里/小时)加速仅需 2.5 秒。

自 2015 年以来,除了强调兰博基尼对其可持续发展精神和二氧化碳中和承诺的展览外,还专门为与博洛尼亚道德制造公司合作的兰博基尼 Cartiera 设立了一个互动区,展示由兰博基尼皮革边角料制成的物品,例如钥匙圈、包和手机壳。

电子竞技休息室欢迎客人在 The Real Race 游戏模拟器中相互较量,兰博基尼的其他一些合作伙伴也到场:倍耐力 (Pirelli) 展示了包括 Urus 系列轮胎在内的轮胎;意大利服装工作室 Tod’s 推出了与兰博基尼 (Lamborghini) 联合开发的系列产品; Culti 香水营造出精致的氛围; Lavazza 提供咖啡。

兰博基尼 Urus SE

Urus SE 于 2024 年 4 月在北京车展上亮相,采用全新设计、优化的空气动力学、前所未有的车载技术和 800 CV 混合动力总成。 PHEV(插电式混合动力汽车)版本在舒适性、性能、效率、排放​​和驾驶乐趣方面均位居Urus系列之首。得益于热力和电力这两个“心脏”,SE 的扭矩和功率值达到了有史以来最高,使 SE 在同类产品中拥有独特的地位,并且排放量减少了 80%。

Urus SE 提供无与伦比的驾驶体验:插电式混合动力系统有助于提高车辆在任何路面和任何条件下的性能和动力。通过创新的技术解决方案,例如在两个车轴之间引入电动扭矩矢量系统和电子后差速器,可以在任何转速下提供更大的扭矩和功率。 Urus SE 提供最先进的性能,与无与伦比的兰博基尼 DNA 相结合:凭借其驾驶动态和驾驶乐趣特性,它在同类产品中处于领先地位,它将绝对的舒适性与性能结合在一起。

双涡轮增压 4.0 V8 发动机经过重新设计,可与电动动力系统实现最佳协同工作。它具有 620 CV 的功率(456 kW)和 800 Nm 的驱动扭矩;燃烧装置与电动动力总成相结合,可提供 192 CV(141 kW)和 483 Nm 的扭矩。在提供最大输出时,重点关注 ICE 和电动机之间的校准策略,达到 800 CV 的总输出,以确保在每种驾驶模式和路面下都能获得最佳功率曲线。

25.9 kWh 锂离子电池位于负载地板下方、电子控制后差速器上方。位于 8 速自动变速箱内的​​永磁同步电动机不仅可以作为 V8 内燃机的增压器,还可以作为牵引元件,使 Urus SE 成为 100% 电动 4WD 车辆,能够在行驶里程超过 60 公里的情况下行驶。电动模式。

Urus SE 首次亮相的是带有电动液压多片离合器的新型中央纵向电动扭矩矢量系统,该系统可在前轴和后轴之间可变且连续地分配驱动扭矩。分动箱与安装在后轴上的新型电子限滑差速器协同工作,使车辆能够“按需”过度转向,以传达纯种超级跑车的感觉。两种系统的设计和校准都能够最适合任何类型的抓地力条件和驾驶风格,无论是在赛道、沙漠沙丘、冰面还是泥土上行驶,都能提供最大的牵引力和敏捷性。

Urus SE 在同类产品中独一无二,在任何转速或驾驶条件下都能提供更大的扭矩和功率。该系统在 6000 rpm 时的总功率输出为 800 CV (588 kW),在 1750 rpm 和高达 5750 rpm 时的总扭矩为 950 Nm,确保从各个角度都具有一流的性能。这也得益于进一步提高的重量功率比:3.13 kg/CV(Urus S 为 3.3)。 Urus SE 从 0 加速到 100 公里/小时仅需 3.4 秒(Urus S:3.5),从 0 加速到 200 公里/小时仅需 11.4 秒(Urus S:12.5),最高时速可达 312 公里/小时( Urus S:305 公里/小时)。这些数字使 SE 成为有史以来最强大的 Urus 和该细分市场中最快的量产车,为超级 SUV 类别树立了新标杆。

Lamborghini Day UK 2024 heralds UK debut of Urus SE, the new PHEV Super SUV

 DATE: 07 May 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese/London

Owners and their cars gather in Hampshire on Saturday 4 May to celebrate Lamborghini life

Sant’Agata Bolognese/London, 7 May 2024 – Over 200 Lamborghini owners and their cars were welcomed by board members and management of Automobili Lamborghini, in the second edition of Lamborghini Day UK, held this year at Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre.

Departing from eleven Lamborghini dealerships across the UK, the cars arrived in ‘Bull Runs’ at the Hampshire venue. The UK unveil of the Urus SE, the new PHEV version of the Lamborghini Super SUV, opened the day’s activities, presented by Lamborghini Chief Sales and Marketing Officer Federico Foschini together with Chief Technical Officer Rouven Mohr; Design Director Mitja Borkert; and Aftersales Director Alessandro Farmeschi.

“We are delighted to unveil the Urus SE in the UK, an important car for us in our move towards hybridization,” said Federico Foschini. “It made its international debut just last week at Beijing auto show, where more than a decade ago we showed the very first Urus concept. Creating a new segment, our Lamborghini Super SUV has, since its market introduction in 2018, become the best-selling model for Lamborghini: the Urus S and Performante versions are sold out until the end of production and the Urus SE already has an exceptional order bank. The UK is one of our most important markets, currently fourth in the world, and again saw record deliveries to customers in 2023 of over 800 cars: the Lamborghini owners joining us here today are testament to the brand’s strength and the passion for our marque.”

Lamborghini Day UK presents aspects of Lamborghini and its headquarters’ activities for owners, VIPs and media to explore in one day. Design workshops by the Lamborghini Centro Stile team demonstrated the creative and technical process behind car concepts, while an Ad Personam studio allowed clients to experiment with the vast options for personalising a new Lamborghini with virtually limitless choices of colour and trim.

An Ad Personam Lamborghini Revuelto on display, especially created for Lamborghini Day UK, demonstrates the boundless possibilities for personalisation. The exterior features a diagonal fading effect in the dual colours of red Rosso Bia and black Nero Granatus, creating an extraordinary and dynamic presence for the Revuelto on the road. External carbon trim on the lower part of the car is complemented by a shiny carbon roof, matt black tailpipes and black CCB callipers. A complementary interior in Nero Ade leather and contrasting Rosso Alala inverted stitching is paired with matt black carbon trim, finished with red embroidery of the Lamborghini logo on headrests and a Revuelto graphic on the rear wall.

Another Lamborghini Revuelto in a Virtual Reality area allowed guests to see ‘inside’ the car’s hybrid technologies, providing an experiential insight to the unique powertrain architecture of the first V12 High Performance Electrified Vehicle (HPEV) presented in 2023, with its all-new aspirated engine combined with three electric motors delivering a total of 1015 CV.

Lamborghini Polo Storico, the department responsible for restoration, archives, certification and original spare parts presented a Diablo SV and, in celebration of the Countach’s 50th anniversary this year, an example of the first LP 400 production model. This iconic car was joined by an LP 500 S and a Countach LPI 800-4: one of just 112 limited-edition hybrid super sports cars produced this decade and celebrating the concept of the iconic Lamborghini Countach presented at Geneva motor show more than 50 years ago.

As Lamborghini prepares to welcome its successor to the Lamborghini Huracán later this year, a display of its V10 aspirated models celebrated both Huracán and its forerunner the Gallardo. Joining them was the lightweight V10 Sesto Elemento concept shown at Paris motor show 2010, with its extensive carbon fibre-built chassis weighing in at less than 1000 kg and delivering a 0-100km/h (0-62 mph) of just 2.5 seconds.

Together with an exhibition underlining Lamborghini’s commitment to its sustainability ethos and CO2 neutrality that it has held since 2015, an interactive area was dedicated to Lamborghini Cartiera, a partnership with a Bolognese ethical manufacturing company, showing items made from Lamborghini’s leather offcuts such as keyrings, bags and phone cases.

The eSports lounge welcomed guests to pit their skills against each other in The Real Race game simulators and some of Lamborghini’s other partners were also present: Pirelli displayed tyres including a range for the Urus; Tod’s, the Italian clothing atelier sported a range developed in conjunction with Lamborghini; Culti fragrances created a sophisticated ambience; and coffee was served by Lavazza.

The Lamborghini Urus SE

Unveiled at Beijing auto show in April 2024, the Urus SE features a new design, optimized aerodynamics, unprecedented on-board technology and an 800 CV hybrid powertrain. The PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) version ranks at the top of the Urus range in terms of comfort, performance, efficiency, emissions and driving pleasure. Thanks to its two ‘hearts’, thermal and electric, the torque and power values are the highest ever, giving the SE a unique place in its category and boasting an 80% reduction in emissions.

The Urus SE offers an unparalleled driving experience: the plug-in hybrid system helps to improve the vehicle’s performance and dynamics on any surface and in any condition. More torque and power at any rpm is provided by way of innovative technical solutions such as the introduction of the electric torque vectoring system between the two axles, and the electronic rear differential. The Urus SE delivers state-of-the-art performance combined with inimitable Lamborghini DNA: at the top of its class for its driving dynamics and fun-to-drive character it combines absolute comfort with performance.

The twin-turbo 4.0 V8 engine has been re-engineered to work in optimal synergy with the electric powertrain. It develops 620 CV of power (456 kW) and 800 Nm of driving torque; the combustion unit is combined with an electric powertrain delivering 192 CV (141 kW) and 483 Nm of torque. In delivering maximum output a focus on the calibration strategy between ICE and e-motor reaches a total output of 800 CV to ensure an optimal power curve in every driving mode and surface.

A 25.9-kWh lithium-ion battery is situated below the load floor and above the electronically controlled rear differential. The permanent-magnet synchronous electric motor located inside the 8-speed automatic transmission can act as a boost for the V8 combustion engine but also as a traction element, making the Urus SE a 100% electric 4WD vehicle capable of traveling more than 60 km in EV mode.

Debuting on the Urus SE is the new centrally located longitudinal electric torque vectoring system with an electro-hydraulic multi-plate clutch, which distributes driving torque variably and continuously between the front and rear axles. The transfer case works in synergy with the new electronic limited-slip differential installed on the rear axle, giving the vehicle ‘on demand’ oversteering to convey the feel of a purebred super sports car. Both systems are designed and calibrated to best suit any type of grip condition and driving style, providing the maximum traction and agility whether driving on a racetrack or desert dunes, ice or dirt.

Unique in its category, the Urus SE offers greater torque and power at any rpm or driving condition. The system develops a total power output of 800 CV (588 kW) at 6000 rpm and a total torque of 950 Nm already available at 1750 rpm and up to 5750 rpm, ensuring best-in-class performance from every angle. This is also thanks to a further enhanced weight-to-power ratio: 3.13 kg/CV (compared to 3.3 in the Urus S). The Urus SE sprints from 0 to 100 km/h in just 3.4 seconds (Urus S: 3.5) and from 0 to 200 km/h in just 11.4 seconds (Urus S: 12.5), reaching a top speed of 312 km/h (Urus S: 305 km/h). These figures make the SE the most powerful Urus ever and the fastest production car in the segment, setting a new benchmark in the Super SUV category.




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