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宝马集团管理委员会主席 Oliver Zipse 在 2024 年宝马集团年会上的发言

2024 年 Zipse 年会声明


声明第一部分——Vision Neue Klasse X




25 年前的 1999 年,宝马推出了第一款 X5,并由此建立了运动型 SAV 细分市场。从那时起,X家族一直是宝马品牌的支柱,全球销售了约1200万辆X汽车。如今,X 系列满足了该细分市场的所有客户需求 – 从 X1 的高级紧凑型车型到 X7 和 XM 的豪华车型。


现在,BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 展望了 BMW 和全新一代 BMW X 车型的未来。这个未来并不是从某个遥远的日期开始的——而是从明年开始,届时我们将愿景变成我们的客户可以亲自体验的现实。


去年,我们在 IAA Mobility 上展示了 BMW Vision Neue Klasse,展示了 NEUE KLASSE 运动型轿车的外观。因为我们不仅在利基车型中加强电动汽车的发展,而且在我们最成功、产量最高的细分市场中加强电动汽车的发展。


从2025年开始,我们预计全电动汽车的需求将大幅增加。正是在那时,我们将 NEUE KLASSE 推向市场。NEUE KLASSE 代表着全新一代车型的开始。它正在重新定义宝马品牌。通过 NEUE KLASSE,我们将 BMW 带入未来:




以我们将在 NEUE KLASSE 中首次使用的第六代电池为例:能量密度的巨大飞跃将为我们的客户提供 30% 的续航里程和 30% 的更快充电速度。数字化的潜力也可以在 NEUE KLASSE 中以全新的方式体验。这是通过四个全新的电子控制单元实现的。每一款的计算能力都比当前系统快十倍。


我们完全重新设计的 iDrive 重新定义了人与机器之间的界面。与此同时,我们在可持续发展领域也取得了令人瞩目的进步。




最重要的是:这些发展不仅有利于 NEUE KLASSE,也有利于所有未来的 BMW 车型。




所有这些都表明:凭借 NEUE KLASSE,我们不仅翻开了出行历史的新篇章,我们还在撰写一本全新的书:更多纯粹的驾驶乐趣。更多数字体验。





声明第二部分 – 企业讯息




您当然不能要求更多的宝马或更多的未来!通过 NEUE KLASSE,我们正在从头开始重新思考个人移动性。还有什么比将这种新方法应用到定义 BMW 品牌核心的一切方面更一致的呢?


首先,这是指 BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 所体现的 BMW X 理念。但运动性也是每辆 BMW 的核心。BMW Vision Neue Klasse 在运动型轿车中完全重新诠释了这一特征。


今天,您第一次可以在同一个舞台上看到这两款 Vision 车辆。一方面,它展示了 NEUE KLASSE 在设计、技术和可持续性相关参数方面的一致性。另一方面,它展示了NEUE KLASSE的广泛性。在这里,您可以看到我们可以想象的两个书挡。但其他模式和创新仍然有很大的空间。


今天我可以向您保证:我们很快就会以非常相似的形式将这两款 Vision 车辆从舞台上带到道路上。开始生产后的前 24 个月内将发布至少六种不同的 NEUE KLASSE 车型。我称这是一个前所未有的、雄心勃勃的时间表。但如果有人能做到的话,那就是我们宝马了。


NEUE KLASSE 将再次显着加速我们的电动汽车发展。但纯电动汽车——以及我们在高端和豪华细分市场的车型——已经成为我们最大的增长动力。去年,我们售出了超过 375,000 辆全电动汽车。


我们很快就会在全球销售超过一百万辆纯电动汽车。包括插电式混合动力汽车在内,我们已经突破了 200 万辆电动汽车的里程碑。插电式混合动力车特别受我们的欧洲客户欢迎。这就是为什么我们只用了两年多的时间就将 xEV 总交付量翻了一番,从 100 万辆增加到 200 万辆。


对于宝马集团整体而言,我们预计 2024 年销量将略有增长。这是我们广泛的驱动技术的基础,所有这些技术我们都在系统地进一步开发。



这也大大减少了我们的碳足迹。到 2023 年底,我们的表现比欧盟设定的CO 2限值高出 20% 以上。这表明我们的策略不仅反映了客户的要求,而且确保了有效的CO 2减排。如果不考虑客户的需求,气候保护就无法成功实现。它就是行不通。这就是为什么我们认为对欧盟CO 2船队立法进行全面审查至关重要。忽视客户需求和市场现实的监管框架不可能成功。


特别是,如果他们无法为替代技术创造必要的条件。然后,他们只提供目标,但排除可能的解决方案。到今年年底,我们的产品阵容中将拥有超过 15 款全电动车型——来自 MINI、宝马、
劳斯莱斯以及 BMW 摩托车。


无论是两轮还是四轮 – 我们始终提供最好的一切。正如所承诺的那样,我们为每个品牌以及每个核心细分市场提供至少一款全电动车型。这种活力反映在我们在全球纯电动汽车市场中的份额:4.1%,已经显着高于我们在全球总市场中的份额(3.3%)。


我们仍然预计,到 2030 年,我们交付的一半产品将是全电动的。然而,全球纯电动汽车的增长并不是线性的。我们一直很清楚这一点。由于多种因素的影响,发展是不稳定的并且是针对特定市场的。我们保持尽可能的灵活性——这是我们多年来的策略,我们已经在我们的架构中有效地体现了这一点。我们将继续根据全球地区的差异化需求谨慎引导纯电动汽车的增长。我们已经成功了。




NEUE KLASSE 的首批量产车将于 2025 年下半年在我们位于德布勒森的新工厂开始下线。我们全新全电动架构的首款 SAV 车型也将在那里推出。另一方面,这款运动型轿车将从 2026 年开始在我们的慕尼黑工厂进行量产,目前我们正在为投产做准备。


如今,慕尼黑工厂生产的每一辆 BMW 中就有一辆是全电动的。从2027年底开始,我们拥有100多年历史的主工厂将专门生产电动汽车。我们还将在墨西哥圣路易斯波托西和中国沉阳的工厂生产 NEUE KLASSE。这完美地证明了:无论是在绿地还是传统地点,无论是在欧洲、亚洲还是美洲——我们都在掌控复杂性并引领我们所有的生产基地走向未来。








从 2026 年起,我们巴伐利亚工厂的 Gen6 电池将来自我们位于 Irlbach-Straßkirchen 的新工厂。建立这样的工业基地不再是一个简单的过程——尤其是在德国。我们在早期阶段寻求与居民进行坦诚和公开的讨论,并向他们解释我们在下巴伐利亚州的位置的可持续设计和优势。


这就是我们建立信任的方式。我们非常高兴居民强烈投票支持我们的新网站。我们认为这是对我们努力的确认。电动汽车的未来还需要将车辆集成到电网中:通过 NEUE KLASSE,我们引入了双向充电,我们已经对此进行了广泛的测试。我们的客户可以将车辆中存储的电能反馈回自己的房屋、电动摩托车等电气设备或公共电网:这可以降低电力成本并有助于稳定网络。


正如您所看到的:通过 NEUE KLASSE,我们将移动性提升到了一个新的水平,同时,我们也成为了一家全新的公司。

所有 BMW 车型都将受益于 NEUE KLASSE 的创新。


这意味着:在不久的将来,您将在每辆 BMW 中认出 NEUE KLASSE。


我们的 BMW 摩托车品牌正在努力实现城市空间的零排放出行。只要有时间,我就喜欢自己骑摩托车。因此,我很高兴我们今年推出了许多新型号。其中三个特别突出:




这是继CE04之后的第二款纯电动车型,与它并列,是该细分市场无可争议的市场领导者。新款 CE02 有一个特别之处,使其对年轻人特别有吸引力:在德国和其他国家,您只需年满 15 岁就可以乘坐它。


M 1000 XR 已经是第二款 M 摩托车型号。
还有很多车迷热切期待 R 1300 GS Adventure。全面的两轮产品:无论客户需要什么,他们都能在 BMW 摩托车找到。


就像 BMW 摩托车一样,我们的 MINI 品牌在全球拥有热情的粉丝社区。通过我们的 NEW MINI Famliy,我们将品牌带入了一个新的维度。正如 NEUE KLASSE 为 BMW 品牌所做的那样。


现在,MINI 正在为全球首发做准备:Aceman。


这将是 NEW MINI 家族的第三位成员,也是我们专门提供的第一款全电动汽车 MINI。即使它仍然是伪装的 – 我可以向你保证:它无疑是一辆 MINI – 从内到外:标志性设计、卡丁车感觉以及与时代同步的数字化。所有这一切都与最小的生态足迹相结合。这不仅描述了 Aceman,还描述了整个 New MINI 系列。


Aceman 填补了 Cooper 和 Countryman 之间的空白,而 Countryman 已经变得更大了。全新 Countryman 广受好评——无论是内燃机还是全电动。全新 Cooper 将于 5 月份上市,在接下来的四个月内已经售空。


我们的新 MINI 系列将在我们位于中国的 Spotlight 合资企业生产;在英国牛津,以及首次在德国莱比锡工厂。下半年,我们将推出让众多车迷翘首以盼的全新MINI Convertible。


与 5 门 MINI Cooper 一起,我们的新 MINI 系列将更加完整。现在让我们从投资组合的一端跳到另一端。从 MINI 典型的卡丁车感觉到我们的超豪华品牌。


Spectre* 是首款进入展厅的纯电动劳斯莱斯车型。凭借其全电动传动系统,我们将劳斯莱斯的驾驶体验提升到一个全新的水平:感觉就像乘坐魔毯一样轻松。





全新BMW 5系旅行车!


宝马是旅行车与电动车相遇的地方:这一细分市场中没有其他公司能提供这样的车辆。i5* Touring 将于 5 月上市。它的电动续航里程超过 500 公里,在欧洲尤其受欢迎。

轴距更长的 5 系轿车和 i5 也将在中国独家发售。两者都将在华晨宝马大东工厂生产。


我们的高性能品牌 BMW M 还提供一系列技术:凭借 i4 M50*、i5 M60* 和 i7 M70*,我们提供
三款全电动车型。顺便说一句,全电动 i4 M50 再次成为我们最畅销的 M 车型。


今年,车迷们可以特别期待新版 M5——首先是轿车,后来又是旅行车。两种 M 车型都配备了令人印象深刻的部分电气化传动系统。借助 BMW M 混合动力系统,仅靠电力即可行驶 70 多公里。




5 系和 5 系旅行车是 BMW 如何实施各种动力传动系统以满足多样化客户需求的具体示例。


所有这一切都基于我们灵活的架构,这使我们能够覆盖整个范围:从强大的纯电动汽车到智能插电式混合动力车,再到高效内燃机和高性能 M 车型。


这种方法的成功已经反映在我们多年来的关键数据中——销售额和利润率。凭借我们广泛的技术方法,我们已经提前思考了一步:自去年以来,我们一直在选定的国家/地区在日常条件下测试 BMW iX5 Hydrogen*。








对于我们最畅销的 X 车型的新版本 BMW X3 来说尤其如此,该车型将于今年晚些时候发布。新款 X3 将提供高效内燃机或插电式混合动力两种选择。


与此同时,我们正在为下一个重大飞跃做准备:NEUE KLASSE 建立在一个独立的新架构之上——今天已经针对未来的电动汽车进行了定制。随着电动车型需求的增长,这使我们能够充分利用规模经济。




这确保了 NEUE KLASSE 的创新将在未来几年惠及整个 BMW 车型系列。




我们使用 NEUE KLASSE 作为整个产品组合以及我们在车辆中实施的所有主要未来移动主题(包括设计)的创新和技术助推器。


NEUE KLASSE 是我们在未来几年推出新技术的动力、发起者和推动者。正如您所看到的:我们将继续根据各个市场的需求服务他们,提供各个细分市场的顶级产品。全方位的四种驱动技术,无论它们基于哪种架构构建,都只是其中的一个方面。




我们已经通过 BMW 5 系和 BMW 7 系等车型展示了我们在自动驾驶方面的创新实力。新款 BMW 5 系是德国第一款获准在高速公路上以最高 130 公里/小时的速度进行部分自动驾驶的汽车。一项全新功能是带有目视确认功能的主动变道助手。驾驶员只需简单地看一下外后视镜,汽车就会改变车道。


从 2024 年 3 月开始,我们的客户将能够在 BMW 7 系中体验 3 级高度自动化驾驶。这意味着您可以放开方向盘,暂时将注意力转移到其他事情上。

您的 7 系列可自行处理速度和距离控制


自动驾驶的步伐是《宝马集团2023年报告》网络版的三个主要故事之一。我邀请您点击我们的在线报告。我们屡获殊荣的在线报告将再次为您提供我们正在开展的所有工作的简要概述。您可以体验我们的感动,并尝试我们的交互式 KPI 计算器。正如标题所说:




在管理委员会中,我们已经开始推动 NEUE KLASSE 的试生产车型。我们都同意:这是一种全新水平的纯粹驾驶乐趣。这是只有我们才能做到的事情!典型的是宝马。










BMW XM:以升/100 公里为单位加权综合油耗:- (NEDC) / 1.9-1.5 (WLTP);CO 2排放量以克/公里加权合并: – (NEDC) / 43-35 (WLTP);加权综合用电量(千瓦时/100 公里): – (NEDC) / 33.6-32.5 (WLTP);电动续航里程 (WLTP)(公里):76-83。


劳斯莱斯 Spectre:WLTP 功耗:2.6-2.8 英里/千瓦时,23.6-22.2 千瓦时/100 公里。电动续航里程 311-329 英里/500-530 公里。国家经济发展委员会:-。CO 2排放量 0 克/公里


BMW i5 eDrive40 Touring:耗电量,综合 WLTP(千瓦时/100 公里):19.3-16.5;电动续航里程,WLTP(公里):483-560


BMW i5 eDrive40 轿车: kWh/100 km 综合功耗: – (NEDC) / 16.3 (WLTP);电动续航里程 (WLTP)(公里):571


BMW i4 M50:耗电量(kWh/100 公里):- (NEDC) / 22.5-18.0 (WLTP);电动续航里程 (WLTP)(公里):415-520


BMW i5 M60 xDrive: kWh/100 km 综合功耗:- (NEDC) / 20.5-18.2 (WLTP);电动续航里程 (WLTP)(公里):457-516


BMW i7 M70 xDrive 轿车:耗电量(kWh/100 公里):- (NEDC) / 23.7-20.8 (WLTP);电动续航里程 (WLTP)(公里):490-559

Statement Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, BMW Group Annual Conference 2024

Statement Zipse Annual Conference 2024



Statement Part I – Vision Neue Klasse X


Ladies and Gentlemen,


In 1999 — 25 years ago — BMW presented the first X5, and with it established the sporty SAV segment. Since then, the X Family has been a pillar of the BMW brand, with around 12 million X vehicles sold worldwide. Today, the X family covers all customer wishes in this segment — from the premium compact class with the X1 to the luxury class with the X7 and XM.


Now, the BMW Vision Neue Klasse X looks ahead to the future of BMW and a totally new generation of BMW X models. This future doesn’t start on some far-off date – it begins next year, when we turn vision into a reality that our customers can experience for themselves.


Last year, we presented the BMW Vision Neue Klasse at the IAA Mobility, an outlook of what a sporty sedan from the NEUE KLASSE could look like. Because we aren’t just ramping-up e-mobility in niche models – but in our most successful, highest-volume segments.


From 2025 on, we expect demand for all-electric vehicles to increase significantly. That is precisely when we will be releasing the NEUE KLASSE onto the market. The NEUE KLASSE represents a start into a completely new model generation. It is redefining the BMW brand. With the NEUE KLASSE, we are taking BMW into the future:
in design, technology and the philosophy of the brand.


For the first time, we are showcasing the systematic implementation of the automotive industry’s three major areas of future mobility combined. This means: electric, fully digital, and with a clear focus on sustainability. We have significantly improved each of these aspects.


Take the sixth generation of our battery cells, which we will use for the first time in the NEUE KLASSE: Quantum leaps in energy density will provide our customers 30 per cent more range and 30 per cent faster charging. The potential of digitalization can also be experienced in the NEUE KLASSE in totally new ways. This is made possible by four completely new electronic control units. Each one comes with computing power that is up to ten times faster than current systems.


Our completely redesigned iDrive redefines the interface between humans and machines. At the same time, we are also making impressive advances in the field of sustainability.


We are turning all the dials. In this way, we can significantly reduce our products’ carbon footprint and move even closer to circular use of raw materials. We are sticking to this path – also because our customers expect it from us.


And the most important thing is: These developments do not just benefit the NEUE KLASSE, they benefit all future BMW models.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


All of this shows that: With the NEUE KLASSE, we aren’t just opening the next chapter in the history of mobility – we are writing a whole new book: More Sheer Driving Pleasure. More digital experiences.

More sustainability.


In other words: More BMW than ever before.


Statement Part II – corporate messages


Ladies and Gentlemen,


You certainly couldn’t ask for more BMW or more future! With the NEUE KLASSE, we are rethinking individual mobility from the ground up. And what is more consistent than to apply this new approach to everything that defines the core of the BMW brand?


First of all, that refers to the BMW X philosophy embodied by the BMW Vision Neue Klasse X. But sportiness is also at the heart of every BMW. And it is this characteristic that the BMW Vision Neue Klasse completely reimagines in a sporty sedan.


Today, you can see both Vision Vehicles together on one stage for the first time. On the one hand, it shows how consistent the NEUE KLASSE is – in terms of design, technology and the relevant parameters for sustainability. On the other, it demonstrates how broad the NEUE KLASSE is. Here, you can see the two bookends of what we can imagine. But there is still plenty of room for other models and innovations in-between.


I can promise you today that: We will be taking both of these Vision Vehicles from the stage to the roads in a very similar form very soon. At least six different NEUE KLASSE models will be released in the first 24 months following the start of production. I call this an unprecedented and highly ambitious timeline. But if anyone can do it, then it’s us at BMW.


The NEUE KLASSE will significantly accelerate our ramp-up of e-mobility once again. But BEVs – along with our models in the upper premium and luxury segment – are already our biggest growth drivers. Last year, we sold more than 375,000 all-electric vehicles.

This year, once again, our fully-electric vehicles should see significant double-digit growth.

We will soon have sold more than one million BEVs worldwide. Including plug-in hybrids, we already passed the milestone of two million electrified vehicles. Plug-in hybrids are especially popular with our European customers. That is one of the reasons why it only took us just over two years to double our overall xEV deliveries from one to two million.


For the BMW Group overall, we are anticipating a slight increase in sales in 2024. The foundation for this is our wide range of drive technologies, all of which we are systematically further developing.

In this way, we can ensure we always offer the right products and services at the right time.


This also substantially reduces our carbon footprint. At the end of 2023, we outperformed the CO2 limit set for us by the European Union by more than 20 percent. This shows that our strategy not only reflects customer requirements, but also ensures effective COreduction. Climate protection cannot be achieved successfully if it does not take customer needs into account. It just doesn’t work. That is why we believe a comprehensive review of CO2 fleet legislation in the EU is essential. Regulatory frameworks that ignore customer needs and market realities cannot be successful.


Especially, if they are unable to create the necessary conditions for alternative technologies. Then, they only provide objectives but exclude possible solutions. By the end of this year, we will have more than 15 fully-electric models in our line-up – from MINI, BMW and
Rolls-Royce as well as BMW Motorrad.


No matter if on two wheels or on four wheels – we always offer the best of everything. As promised, we offer at least one all-electric model for every brand as well as in every one of our core segments. This dynamism is reflected in our share of the global BEV market: At 4.1 percent, it is already significantly higher than our share of the total global market, which is at 3.3 percent.


We still expect half our deliveries to be all-electric before 2030. However, growth in BEVs worldwide is not linear. That was always clear to us. Development is volatile and market-specific, due to several factors. We remain as flexible as possible – that has been our strategy for years and we have reflected that efficiently in our architectures. We continue to prudently steer our BEV ramp-up in line with differentiated demand in global regions. And we have been successful.


For us, it is important to always maintain a realistic view of the development of e-mobility. BEV growth does not benefit from a purely ideological approach, but from long-term planning and consistent implementation of goals. That is why we are creating the best-possible conditions for this in our production network and supply chain – on a global scale.


The first production vehicles of the NEUE KLASSE will start rolling off the line at our new Plant Debrecen in the second half of 2025. That is where the first SAV model on our new fully-electric architecture will be launched. The sporty sedan, on the other hand, will ramp up from 2026 at our Plant Munich, which we are currently gearing up for the start of production.


Every second BMW produced at Plant Munich is already fully electric today. From late 2027 onwards, our more than 100-year-old main plant will exclusively build electric vehicles. We will also be manufacturing the NEUE KLASSE at our plants in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, and Shenyang, China. This perfectly demonstrates: Whether at a greenfield site or a traditional location, whether in Europe, Asia or the Americas – we are mastering the complexity and leading all our production sites into the future.


As you know, to master e-mobility you need powerful batteries.

We have made it our mission to understand every aspect of battery cells – from cell composition and cell format, all the way to industrial manufacturing.

We are able to recreate the entire process at our Battery Cell Competence Centre in Munich and the Cell Manufacturing Competence Centre in Parsdorf in Bavaria.


We are also applying our local for local principle to cell production for our batteries. Facilities will be located in direct proximity to our vehicle plants. This has led us to build our own production facilities for Gen5, as we are now doing in Thailand, and for the sixth generation of BMW high-voltage batteries in Hungary, the US, Mexico and China. This ensures short transport distances and secures our supply against unforeseen events around the globe.


From 2026, Gen6 batteries for our plants in Bavaria will come from our new location in Irlbach-Straßkirchen. Establishing an industrial site like this is no longer a straightforward process – especially in Germany. We sought frank and open discussion with residents in the early stages and explained the sustainable design and advantages of our location in Lower Bavaria to them.


This is how we build trust. We are very pleased that residents voted strongly in support of our new site. We see this as confirmation of our efforts. The future of e-mobility also entails integrating vehicles into the power grid: With the NEUE KLASSE, we are introducing bi-directional charging, which we have already tested extensively. Our customers can feed electrical energy stored in the vehicle back into their own house, electrical devices like your e-bike or the public power grid: This lowers electricity costs and helps stabilise networks.


As you can see: With the NEUE KLASSE, we are taking mobility to a new level and, at the same time, becoming an entirely new company.

All BMW models will benefit from the innovations of the NEUE KLASSE.


That means: In the near future, you will recognise the NEUE KLASSE in every BMW.


Our BMW Motorrad brand is well on its way to emission-free mobility in urban spaces. I like to ride a motorbike myself, whenever I have the time. So, I am delighted that we are launching many new models this year. Three of them stand out particularly:


Here, you can see the new CE02.


It is the second fully-electric model after the CE04, standing next to it, which is the undisputed market leader in its segment. There is something special about the new CE02 that makes it particularly appealing to young people: In Germany and other countries, you only have to be 15 to ride it.


The M 1000 XR is already the second M motorcycle model.
There are also a lot of fans eagerly awaiting the R 1300 GS Adventure. A comprehensive offering on two wheels: Whatever customers are looking for, they will find it at BMW Motorrad.


Just like BMW Motorrad, our MINI brand has a passionate fan community around the globe. With our NEW MINI Famliy we are taking the brand into a new dimension. Just as the NEUE KLASSE is doing for the BMW brand.


Now, MINI is gearing up for a world premiere: the Aceman.


This will be the third member of the NEW MINI Family and the first MINI we are offering exclusively as an all-electric vehicle. Even if it’s still camouflaged — I can promise you: It is unmistakeably a MINI – inside and out: signature design, go-kart feeling and digitally in tune with the times. And all this combined with a minimal ecological footprint. That describes not only the Aceman, but the entire New MINI family.


The Aceman fills the gap between the Cooper and the Countryman, which has grown significantly bigger. The all-new Countryman has been well received – whether with a combustion engine or all-electric. And the all-new Cooper, which will be available starting in May, is already sold out for the next four months.


Our NEW MINI family will be built at our Spotlight joint venture in China; in Oxford, UK, and, for the first time, in Germany, at Plant Leipzig. In the second half of the year, we will launch the all-new MINI Convertible which many fans are eagerly waiting for.


Together with the 5-door MINI Cooper, our NEW MINI family will then be complete. And now let’s jump from one end of our portfolio to the other. From the MINI typical Go-Kart-Feeling to our ultra-luxury marque.


Spectre* is the first battery-electric Rolls-Royce model to hit the showrooms. With its all-electric drive train we are bringing the driving experience at Rolls-Royce to a whole new level: that feels effortless just like a magic carpet ride.


We have never had so many pre-orders for a Rolls-Royce model. This shows that our exclusive customers acknowledge how perfectly Rolls-Royce and electrification fit together. Rolls-Royce is an unparalleled success story. Our luxury brand, with its unique product portfolio, has never been as strong and as differentiated as it is today. And let’s not forget the significant contribution margin it earns for the company.


And, now, Ladies and Gentlemen, as promised:

the new BMW 5 Series Touring!


BMW is where Touring meets e-drive: No one else in this segment has a vehicle like this on offer. The i5* Touring will be available from May. It delivers an electric range of over 500 kilometres and is especially popular in Europe.

The 5 Series Sedan and the i5 will also be available exclusively in China with a longer wheelbase. Both will be built at BMW Brilliance Plant Dadong.


Our high-performance brand BMW M also offers a technological spectrum: With the i4 M50*, the i5 M60* and the i7 M70* we have
three all-electric models on offer. And by the way, the all-electric i4 M50 is yet again our best-selling M model.


This year, fans can especially look forward to the new edition of the M5 – first, as a sedan, and later, also as a Touring. Both M variants come with an impressive partially electrified drive train. With the BMW M hybrid system, they are able to drive more than 70 kilometres on electric power alone.


Our plug-in hybrids remain an important element of our drivetrain portfolio. Why? Because they provide a boost to e-mobility that should not be underestimated. Many customers discover and come to appreciate the advantages of electric driving in this way.


The 5 Series and the 5 Series Touring are concrete examples of how BMW is implementing a variety of drivetrains to meet very diverse customer needs.


All of this is based on our flexible architecture, which enables us to cover the entire spectrum: from powerful BEVs to smart plug-in-hybrids to highly efficient combustion engines and high-performance M models.


The success of this approach has been reflected in our key figures for several years — in sales and profit margins. With our broad technological approach we are already thinking one step ahead: We have been testing the BMW iX5 Hydrogen* in selected countries under everyday conditions since last year.


Our pilot fleet’s world tour has raised awareness of the role hydrogen can play in the energy transition – not just for mobility, but industry-wide. Our vehicles performed well under various climate and traffic conditions, and the public response has been overwhelmingly positive.


This was no surprise to us, since hydrogen fuel cell drivetrains combine the best of both worlds: the advantages of an emission-free e-drive with the fast refuelling people are used to. That’s why we see hydrogen as an additional alternative drive technology that could make a lot of sense in the mid to long term.


For us, our aspiration to be strong tomorrow means being already strong today.


This is especially true of the new edition of our best-selling X model, the BMW X3, which will be released later this year. The new X3 will be available with a choice of highly efficient combustion engines or as a plug-in hybrid.


At the same time, we are preparing for the next major leap: The NEUE KLASSE is built on a separate new architecture – already tailored today to the electric vehicles of tomorrow. This enables us to make the best possible use of economies of scale as demand for electric models grows.


Vehicle architectures are important, but they are not the decisive lever – that would be our technology clusters. They enable innovations and technological advances to be scaled efficiently across all architectures. Behind this is a modular principle that allows us to roll out technologies to different vehicle concepts and segments.


This ensures that the innovations of the NEUE KLASSE will benefit the entire BMW model line-up in the coming years.


We don’t divide our products into “old” and “new”, but always offer our customers the latest technology – regardless of the vehicle’s powertrain.


We are using the NEUE KLASSE as our innovation and technology booster for the entire portfolio and for all major future mobility topics that we implement in our vehicles, including design.


The NEUE KLASSE is our impulse, initiator and enabler to roll out new technologies over the next few years. As you can see: We will continue to serve all markets according to their needs, providing top products in all segments. The full range of four drive technologies, regardless of which architecture they are built on, is just one aspect here.


The BMW Group is a tech company. The ability to manage this complexity, to orchestrate, scale and further develop technologies is one of the BMW Group’s greatest strengths and a unique selling point. With this in mind, we offer our customers the best, coherent overall package. That is our aspiration and our goal. It might even be the most important secret ingredient in our company’s success.


We already showcase our innovative strength in automated driving with models like the BMW 5 Series and BMW 7 Series. The new BMW 5 Series is the first car in Germany approved for partially automated driving at up to 130 km/h on motorways. A completely new feature is the Active Lane Change Assistant with eye confirmation. The driver simply glances briefly in the exterior mirror and the car changes lanes.


Starting in March 2024, our customers will be able to experience Level 3 highly automated driving in the BMW 7 Series. This means you can let go of the wheel and temporarily turn your attention to something else.

Your 7 Series takes care of speed and distance control all
by itself, as well as lane tracking.


The steps to automated driving is one of the three main stories on the online version of the “BMW Group Report 2023”. I invite you to click through our online report. Our award-winning online Report will once again provide you with a compact overview of everything we are working on. You can experience what moves us and you try out our interactive KPI calculator. Just like the title says:
Driving the NEXT ERA.


Our spectacular Vision Vehicles show the direction in which we are taking mobility, in line with the major topics of the future. The most important aspect for our customers is: What does it feel like on the road?


In the Board of Management, we already got to drive a pre-series model of the NEUE KLASSE. We all agree that: It is Sheer Driving Pleasure at a whole new level. This is something only we can do! It is typically BMW.


A lot of people talk about transformation. That is when one thing replaces another. But, in our industry, it is more a case of things happening at the same time: Parallel approaches that still unmistakably move us forwards. That is why the BMW Group is committed to continuous and simultaneous progress – through bold leaps in innovation and responsible action.


And that brings us full circle:

Strong today – and strong tomorrow.


Thank you!


BMW XM: Fuel consumption weighted combined in l/100 km: – (NEDC) / 1.9-1.5 (WLTP); CO2 emissions weighted combined in g/km: – (NEDC) / 43-35 (WLTP); Electricity consumption weighted combined in kWh/100 km: – (NEDC) / 33.6-32.5 (WLTP); Electric range (WLTP) in km: 76-83.


Rolls-Royce Spectre: WLTP Power consumption: 2.6-2.8 mi/kWh, 23.6-22.2 kWh/100km. Electric range 311-329 mi / 500-530 km. NEDC: -. CO2 emissions 0 g/km


BMW i5 eDrive40 Touring: Electric consumption, combined WLTP in kWh/100 km: 19.3-16.5; Electric range, WLTP in km: 483-560


BMW i5 eDrive40 Sedan: Combined power consumption in kWh/100 km: – (NEDC) / 16.3 (WLTP); Electric range (WLTP) in km: 571


BMW i4 M50: Electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: – (NEDC) / 22.5-18.0 (WLTP); Electric range (WLTP) in km: 415-520


BMW i5 M60 xDrive: Combined power consumption in kWh/100 km: – (NEDC) / 20.5-18.2 (WLTP); Electric range (WLTP) in km: 457-516


BMW i7 M70 xDrive Sedan: Electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: – (NEDC) / 23.7-20.8 (WLTP); Electric range (WLTP) in km: 490-559


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