Phnom Penh Media

兰博基尼汽车公司与子孙后代续签协议,作为其“Direzione Cor Tauri”战略的一部分

圣亚加塔博洛尼亚汽车制造商将其脱碳计划扩展到整个价值链,目标是到 2030 年将“每辆车”的企业总排放量减少 40%

圣亚加塔·波隆尼,2024 年 1 月 30 日– 兰博基尼汽车在公司历史上最大的投资的支持下,以新的雄心勃勃的目标继续走脱碳之路。“Direzione Cor Tauri”战略涉及车型系列的电气化和生产基地的脱碳,将其对整个价值链减排的承诺延伸到了。

兰博基尼汽车公司董事长兼首席执行官斯蒂芬·温克尔曼 (Stephan Winkelmann) 与管理委员会分享了迄今为止在这一重要使命中所取得的成果,并宣布了一个新的雄心勃勃的目标,这注定会在公司的历史上留下重要的印记:40%[1]到 2030 年(与 2021 年相比),整个价值链中每辆汽车的CO 2排放量减少为实现这一目标,该战略涵盖整个企业,从生产到供应链和物流,再到产品使用阶段,覆盖整个产品生命周期,让整个公司集体承诺实现减排40%的目标。 %。

2021 年首次宣布的“Direzione Cor Tauri”计划启动了对电气化带来的机遇和挑战的深入、持续的研究,并于 2023 年开始了混合动力阶段,推出了 Revuelto,第一辆HPEV(高性能电动汽车)混合动力超级跑车。到 2024 年,电气化进程将延伸到推出首款混合动力版 Urus Super SUV 和该系列中的第二款 HPEV,以取代 Huracán。兰博基尼计划于 2028 年推出首款全电动车型,随后于去年蒙特利汽车周上推出 Lanzador 概念车,随后于 2029 年推出首款全电动超级 SUV。这一战略将大幅减少二氧化碳排放与 2021 年相比,流通车队的排放量减少2,目标是到 2025 年减少 50%,到 2030 年减少 80%。

“Direzione Cor Tauri”计划向子孙后代传达了一份协议,激励并成为兰博基尼汽车在 2050 年实现完全碳中和的道路上创新和可持续进步的典范

兰博基尼汽车公司董事长兼首席执行官斯蒂芬·温克尔曼 (Stephan Winkelmann) 表示:“ Direzione Cor Tauri 是我们兰博基尼系列电气化的路线图以及脱碳之路,不仅是我们圣亚加塔博洛涅工厂的脱碳之路,也是整个价值链的脱碳之路:它是我们的全球环境可持续发展战略的整体方法。” 斯蒂芬·温克尔曼继续说道:“在重大转型的背景下,每个人都需要为实现目标做出贡献:这一承诺不仅延伸到每个个人和每家公司,还延伸到负责基础设施和可再生能源转型的机构和政府。作为全球知名品牌,我们的使命是激励和鼓励其他人应对这些现代挑战。兰博基尼汽车证明了可持续愿景是可能的。”

全球温室气体排放量约为 59 十亿吨 CO 2当量,仅计算直接废气排放量,整个交通运输行业就占这一数字的 15% 左右。迄今为止,兰博基尼汽车的库存量约为 70 万吨 CO 2当量,其中包括 2021-2022 年生产的车辆的整个生命周期(根据 ISO 14064 标准认证的价值链排放清单)。尽管圣亚加塔博洛尼亚的生产活动仅占全球CO 2排放量的0.001%,但该公司对社区和地球的责任不仅仅是对环境的影响。“可持续发展是我们企业战略的关键支柱之一, ” 战略总监 Stefano Rutigliano 评论道。“我们渴望通过对 ESG 问题的整体愿景,成为对可持续发展做出最持久、最真诚承诺的超级跑车公司。我们有一个专门的跨部门团队致力于实施 Direzione Cor Tauri 计划。”


兰博基尼汽车公司对可持续发展的承诺始于 2015 年,圣亚加塔·博洛涅塞生产基地实现了碳中和,并在随后的几年中维持了这一目标,尽管其规模扩大了一倍。从那时起,整个工厂实施了许多行动,使工厂进一步逐步、持续脱碳。

首席制造办公室 Ranieri Niccoli 解释道:“近年来,我们采取了许多可持续发展措施,从 2009 年在艾米利亚-罗马涅地区建立最大的光伏系统到我们新建筑的高能效认证。我们的活动正在进行中,旨在通过三联供和区域供热厂减少能源消耗,最终为我们的涂装车间推出了一种新的先进概念,最大限度地减少用水和排放。到 2022 年,这些举措使每辆车的能源消耗量比 2010 年减少了 36%。 ”与 2010 年。

该公司不仅限于减少工厂内的排放,还对周围环境做出了重大承诺,并与当地社区建立了深厚的联系,正如 2011 年兰博基尼公园的开放所表明的那样:一个距离工厂不远的绿色天堂,这里种植了 10,000 棵橡树,为野生动物提供了自然栖息地,并为当地人和工作人员提供了休闲空间。Niccoli 继续说道:“我们还与意大利和欧洲的一些顶尖大学合作启动了一系列研究项目,例如通过研究我们的蜜蜂对污染物进行生物监测,以及橡树和公园土壤中CO 2和碳的吸收。最后,我们实施了一项土地再开发项目,其中包括两项造林举措,以抵消工厂对周边地区的影响。”


兰博基尼汽车的承诺还体现在供应链和物流方面,这是成功脱碳的关键领域。圣亚加塔博洛尼亚汽车制造商的优势之一可以从其与供应商的关系中看出,正如首席采购官 Silvano Micheli 所解释的那样:“从 2019 年开始,我们实施了可持续发展评级系统 (S-Rating),该系统评估我们的供应商遵守环境、社会和治理标准的程度。积极的 S 评级是成为兰博基尼汽车供应商的基本要求。”



兰博基尼汽车车型的电气化是由该品牌的 DNA 驱动的,其特点是即使在当前深刻变革的背景下,其也能将挑战转化为机遇。这需要一个明确的战略:一方面,该品牌超级跑车(Revuelto 和 Huracán 的后继者)的混合动力,另一方面,超级 SUV 系列和未来 Ultra GT 2+ 的电气化2. 对于兰博基尼汽车这样的国际公司来说,最复杂的挑战之一是适应其运营的各个市场。

正如首席营销和销售官 Federico Foschini 所解释的那样:“主要挑战是关于车队 CO 2排放的法规,这些法规根据市场而变化,我们必须遵守这些法规才能达到标准。但我们已经准备好了:我们不能简单地对趋势做出被动反应,我们必须先发制人,忠于我们的价值观和 DNA。”


首席技术官 Rouven Mohr 表示:“电动机在动力和驾驶体验方面开辟了新视野这是超级跑车新时代的黎明,我们正在以可持续的方式重新定义运动性、享受性和驾驶动力的概念。我们的 DNA 将始终基于情感表现的概念。”

研发部门正在关注的正是这些新的驾驶可能性,旨在通过不断开发最好地应对挑战所需的六大关键支柱,将“感觉像飞行员”的体验提升到一个新的水平电动汽车提出:Urus 等多功能车型上的人机界面;使用碳纤维来减轻整体重量;电动动力系统;先进的框架;智能空气动力学,与当前型号相比,可以实现更高的性能;最后,集成控制提供类似于飞行员的驾驶感觉。


“Direzione Cor Tauri”计划得到了该公司 60 年历史上最大的投资计划的支持。这一承诺表明了兰博基尼汽车应对未来关键挑战的决心。

正如首席财务官 Paolo Poma 所解释的那样:“我们与 Direzione Cor Tauri 的目标是在公司发展方面又迈出重要一步,进一步提高我们的盈利能力,并继续在参考市场中保持领先地位。这是我们在这个影响整个汽车行业的深刻转型时期通过重要创新做出的承诺的具体体现。

这条道路的成功很大程度上取决于所有参与者的承诺和积极参与。兰博基尼汽车团队成员的贡献对于确保 Direzione Cor Tauri 的成功至关重要。首席人力、文化和组织官翁贝托·托西尼 (Umberto Tossini) 表示:“我们将全力支持 Direzione Cor Tauri,因为我们的企业文化以人的发展和关怀为基础,从共同的价值观出发,增强了每一位员工的独特性。我们并刺激产品创新的产生和为社区创造价值。” 在此背景下,规划将提出三个主要发展方向。第一个是创造新的就业机会,目标是到 2026 年雇用至少 500 名新的男女工人。第二个是与人们整体意义上的福祉有关,这将通过兰博基尼 Feelosophy 来实现。 -being 计划于 2021 年推出,是自 2013 年以来已启动的先前“人民关怀”计划的演变。它基于身体、心灵、目的三个维度,延伸到育儿、身心健康和营养等方面。最后,第三个发展准则侧重于持续学习,通过为我们的培训和变革管理计划提供越来越多的机会和内容,培养个人在技能成长中的责任,以促进人们的个人和职业成长。

Stephan Winkelmann 总结道:“这是一个雄心勃勃的项目,面临着重大挑战。”忠于我们的 DNA 和根源。”

[1]规定的油耗和排放数据根据2023年2月8日法律规定的测量程序确定,包括但不限于经EU 2023/443修订的EU 2017/1151的WLTP测试循环。此信息并非针对单一车辆,也不属于报价的一部分,仅用于不同类型车辆之间的比较。附加设备和配件(附加部件、轮胎规格等)可以改变相关车辆参数,例如重量、滚动阻力和空气动力学,除了天气和交通条件外,还会影响车辆的油耗、功耗、二氧化碳排放和驾驶性能值以及个人的驾驶行为。

The Sant’Agata Bolognese carmaker extends its decarbonization program to the entire value chain, with the aim of reducing total enterprise emissions by 40% ‘per car’ by 2030

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 30 January 2024 – Automobili Lamborghini is continuing its path to decarbonization with a new ambitious target, supported by the biggest investment in the history of the company. The “Direzione Cor Tauri” strategy, which involves electrification of the model range and decarbonization of the production site, has extended its commitment to emissions reductions across the entire value chain.

Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman & CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, together with the Board of Management, shares the results obtained up to now in this vital mission and announces a new ambitious target, destined to leave a significant mark on the company’s history: a 40%[1] reduction in CO2 emissions per car across the whole value chain by 2030 (vs 2021). To achieve this, the strategy encompasses the entire enterprise, from production to the supply chain and logistics, to the product use phase, covering the entire product life cycle and involving the whole company in a collective commitment to achieve the target of reducing emissions by 40%.

The “Direzione Cor Tauri” program, first announced in 2021, kicked off in-depth and continuous research on the opportunities and challenges posed by electrification, which resulted in the start of the hybridization phase in 2023, with the launch of the Revuelto, the first HPEV (High Performance Electrified Vehicle) hybrid super sports car. In 2024, the electrification process will extend to the launch of the first hybrid version of the Urus Super SUV and the second HPEV in the range, replacing the Huracán. The launch of the first full electric model, preceded by the Lanzador concept car, presented at Monterey Car Week last year, is planned for 2028, followed by Lamborghini’s first full electric Super SUV in 2029. This strategy will result in a significant reduction in CO2 emissions compared with 2021 for the fleet in circulation, with the aim of a 50% reduction by 2025 and 80% by 2030.

The “Direzione Cor Tauri” program delivers a pact to future generations, inspiring and serving as a model for innovation and sustainable progress on the path to total carbon neutrality for Automobili Lamborghini by 2050.

Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, stated: “Direzione Cor Tauri is our roadmap to electrification of the Lamborghini range and the path to decarbonization, not only of our Sant’Agata Bolognese facility, but of the entire value chain: it is a holistic approach to our global environmental sustainability strategy.” Stephan Winkelmann continued: “Within a context of major transformation, everyone needs to contribute to achieving the objectives: this commitment extends not just to every individual and every company, but also to institutions and governments responsible for infrastructures and the transition toward renewables. Our mission, as a globally recognized brand, is to inspire and encourage others to tackle these modern-day challenges. Automobili Lamborghini is proof that a sustainable vision is possible.”

Global emissions of greenhouse gases comprise around 59 gigatons of CO2 equivalent, and the transport sector as a whole contributes around 15% of this figure only counting direct exhaust emissions. To date, Automobili Lamborghini’s inventory is around 700,000 tons of CO2 equivalent, which includes the entire life cycle of the vehicles produced in 2021-2022 (value chain emissions inventory certified according to the ISO 14064 standard). Even though the production activities at Sant’Agata Bolognese represent only 0.001% of global CO2 emissions, the responsibility that the company has to the community and the planet is greater than the environmental impact alone. “Sustainability is one of the key pillars of our corporate strategy,” commented Stefano Rutigliano, Strategy Director. “We aspire to be the super sports car company with the most enduring and genuine commitment to sustainability, through an overall vision of ESG issues. We have a dedicated interdepartmental team working toward the implementation of the Direzione Cor Tauri program.”


Automobili Lamborghini’s commitment to sustainability started in 2015, achieving carbon neutrality of the Sant’Agata Bolognese production site and sustaining this over subsequent years, despite doubling in size. Since then, many actions have been implemented across the facility that have led to the further gradual and continuous decarbonization of the site.

Ranieri Niccoli, Chief Manufacturing Office, explained: “A number of sustainability measures have been adopted in recent years, from the establishment of the largest photovoltaic system in the Emilia-Romagna Region in 2009 to the high-energy efficiency certification of our new buildings. Our activities are ongoing and are aimed at reducing energy consumption through trigeneration and district heating plants, culminating in the unveiling of a new advanced concept for our paint shop that minimizes water use and emissions. In 2022, these initiatives led to a 36% reduction in energy consumption per vehicle compared with 2010.” A further action aimed at reducing the environmental impact relates to water resource management, with a 34% reduction in specific water consumption per vehicle in 2022 compared with 2010.

The company goes beyond reducing emissions within the facility, by making a significant commitment to the surrounding environment and fostering a deep connection with the local community, as shown by the opening of Lamborghini Park in 2011: a green haven a short distance from the plant, where 10,000 oak trees have been planted, providing a natural habitat for wild fauna and a recreational space for local people and staff. Niccoli continued: “We have also initiated a number of research projects with some of Italy and Europe’s leading universities, such as the biomonitoring of pollutants through studying our bees and the absorption of CO2 and carbon in the oak trees and soil of the park. Finally, we have implemented a land redevelopment project with two forestation initiatives to offset the impact of the factory on the surrounding area.”

Supply Chain and Logistics

Automobili Lamborghini’s commitment is also reflected in the context of the supply chain and logistics, key areas for successful decarbonization. One of the strengths of the Sant’Agata Bolognese carmaker can be seen in the relationships with its suppliers, as explained by Silvano Micheli, Chief Procurement Officer: “Starting from 2019, we implemented a sustainability rating system (S-Rating), which assesses our suppliers’ level of compliance with environmental, social and governance standards. A positive S-Rating is a basic requirement to becoming an Automobili Lamborghini supplier.”

The transport of vehicles and spare parts to and from Sant’Agata Bolognese and the various markets also falls within this process. The main objective is to favor means of transport with a lower environmental impact, contributing to reducing the carbon footprint of suppliers. This initiative has already produced tangible results in terms of emission reductions: in the last five years, the company has increased the percentage of rail transport from 4% to 35%, at the same time reducing air transport from 18% to 1% for the transfer of finished vehicles.

Product use phase

Electrification of the Automobili Lamborghini models is driven by the brand’s DNA, which is characterized by its inherent ability to turn challenges into opportunities, even in the current context of profound change. This requires a well-defined strategy: on the one hand, the hybridization of the brand’s super sports cars (Revuelto and the Huracán’s successor), and on the other hand, the electrification of the Super SUV range and of the future Ultra GT 2+2. For an international company such as Automobili Lamborghini, one of the most complex challenges is adapting to the various markets it operates in.

As Federico Foschini, Chief Marketing and Sales Officer, explained, “The main challenges are regulations on the CO2 emissions of the fleet, which vary according to the market and with which we must comply to meet the standards. But we’re ready: we can’t simply react passively to trends, we have to preempt them, staying faithful to our values and our DNA.”

The use of electric motors is not a limitation but rather an opportunity, launching the super sports car into a new era.

According to Rouven Mohr, Chief Technical Officer: “The electric motor opens up new horizons in terms of dynamics and driving experience. It is the dawn of a new era for super sports cars, in which we are redefining the concept of sportiness, enjoyment and driving dynamics in sustainable terms. Our DNA will always be based on the concept of emotional performance.”

It is precisely these new driving possibilities on which the R&D department is focusing its attention, with the aim of taking the “feel like a pilot” experience to a new level, through the continuous development of the six key pillars required to best tackle the challenges posed by electric vehicles: a Human-Machine Interface on versatile models such as the Urus; the use of carbon fiber to reduce the overall weight; an electric powertrain; an advanced frame; smart aerodynamics that allow even higher performance to be achieved compared with current models; and finally, integrated control that offers a driving sensation similar to a pilot.

Investments and People engagement

The “Direzione Cor Tauri” program is supported by the largest investment plan in the 60-year history of the company. This commitment shows the determination of Automobili Lamborghini in tackling the crucial challenges for the future.

As Paolo Poma, Chief Financial Officer, explained: “Our aim with Direzione Cor Tauri is to take another significant step forward in the company’s growth, further improving our profitability and continuing to be best in class in the reference market. It is a tangible demonstration of our commitment through important innovations in this period of profound transformation that is affecting the whole automotive industry.”

The success of this path is strongly influenced by the commitment and active participation of all those involved. The contribution of the people who are part of the Automobili Lamborghini team is crucial to ensure the success of Direzione Cor Tauri. Umberto Tossini, Chief People, Culture and Organization Officer, says: “We will fully support Direzione Cor Tauri thanks to our corporate culture based on the development and care of people, starting from shared values, which enhance the uniqueness of each and every one of us and stimulate the generation of product innovation and the creation of value for the community.” In this context, there will be three main directions of development in the plan. The first is the creation of new jobs, with the goal of hiring at least 500 new men and women workers by 2026. The second is related to well-being in the holistic sense of people, which will be realized with Lamborghini Feelosophy, the well-being program launched in 2021, an evolution of the previous People Care program already active since 2013. Based on the three dimensions Body, Mind, Purpose, it extends to contexts such as parenting, physical and mental wellbeing, and nutrition. Finally, the third development guideline is focused on continuous learning, and fosters individual responsibility in the growth of skills by providing more and more opportunities and content for our training and change management programs with a view to the personal and professional growth of people.

“This is an ambitious project with significant challenges,” concludes Stephan Winkelmann, “dictated by the current situation, and which sees Automobili Lamborghini take center stage, with the aim of preempting what lies ahead and acting in the interests of future generations, always staying faithful to our DNA and roots.”

[1] The specified fuel consumption and emission data are determined in accordance with the measurement procedures prescribed by law 8 February 2023, including but not limited to the WLTP test cycle as of EU 2017/1151 amended by EU 2023/443. This information does not refer to a single vehicle and is not part of the offer but is only intended for comparison between different types of vehicles. Additional equipment and accessories (additional components, tyre formats, etc.) can alter relevant vehicle parameters such as weight, rolling resistance and aerodynamics, affecting the vehicle’s fuel consumption, power consumption, CO₂ emissions and driving performance values in addition to weather and traffic conditions and individual driving behavior.


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